Micepaw walked up to Firepaw.

"Today is Jinxkit's apprentice ceremony so watch out. She's going to be even more spoiled and rude.", Micepaw warned.

"Got it.", Firepaw said thankful.

—after hunting—

Firepaw walked into camp with a plump snake that he caught.

"You missed my apprentice ceremony! And I got apprenticed to Kitestar herself. Sure you got the deputy but I got the leader.", Jinxpaw yelled at Firepaw.

Firepaw immediately felt sad. How could Jinxpaw get Kitestar?

Firepaw walked up to Lizardclaw, the elder that loves to gossip most.

"Who is mentoring Jinxpaw?"

Lizardclaw looked around. "Tinytail was going to mentor her, but out of the blue Kitestar decided she would. If you ask me, it seems a little suspicious."

 Firepaw was furious. Firepaw ran out of camp and into the forest. Firepaw shredded any pine cone or leaf he could see.

How could Kitestar betray me like that?

Firefly- A warriors FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora