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Hunter's pov

I went to the bathroom, I walked to the mirror and opened it with magic

The reason is because my uncle didn't want some random people to steal my things, I grabbed some bandages and went back to my room.

I looked at my bed and saw a small child half asleep, I walked over to him with some rubbing alcohol and the bandages.

Luz told me if he got hurt to rub this over the open cut  to clean it so ot doesn't get infected, I put some of it on a tissue and rubbed it on the cut.

He hissed still half asleep, I heard a creak I turned around and saw Steve, "Whoa, who's the small vamp?"

"Wait that's the kid" he said kinda loud pointing at him.

I ran at him covering his mouth and closed the door "shhhh" he nodded understanding what I was leaning to."Can you help me?" I asked him.

"Why not just do a healing spell?" Steve asked.
"Cause I can't do spells" I said upset with what I had  revealed, "oh okay" he pat my head, I blushed I don't like him I do see him as a brother tho.

A few minutes passed and Steve finished healing y/n and his wounds were bearly visible.

Steve grabbed y/n and ran away "STEVE GIVE HIM BACK!!" I yelled chasing him, " Can I have him for tonight" he asked giving puppy eyes, I rolled mine.

" fine but I better have him back tomorrow and don't do anything weird" I said and walked away and heard Steve give a happy "yay" then a small tired one after Steve.

I walked back to my room, I bumped into someone, I looked up and saw my uncle, I bowed "emperor belos" I said my hand over my chest.

"No need to bow, hunter just wanted to see if u were fine I heard u and Steve." He said, "and why are tou still wearing ur unifom"

"Sorry sir I forgot to change" "that is fine,goodnight hunter" he pat my head and walked away.

I went to my door entering I closed him, I sighed  Steve better take good care of him.

I changed in to other clothes and went to my bed, I felt something on my head and saw flapjack.

I grabbed him and rubbed his feathers basically petting him, he tweeted and went to a small nest I made near the window.

"Night flap, night y/n" I said before sleeping.

Steve's pov

I put the small boy on my bed he had fell asleep in my arms so I put him on my bed, I walked to my closet and changed into pj's I thought of something.

I diceided to make him pj's too I used magic and made some small ones and changed into them I also noticed he had scars.

I put him in the bed again after I finished changing him, I went on the bad to and put the blanket over us, I soon fell asleep thinking where he could have gotten those scars.

Before I could sleep i felt Someone hug me and then I blacked out since I was tired.

UNCLE STEVE  yay I finally made a chapter I felt dismotiveted I don't think that is a word but what ever also I know call yall kittens since I like cats also the next chapter will be a day with uncle Steve.

Good bye and congrats u read about 595 words. Also, I'm sorry it's short.

the golden gaurds vamp child Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz