"I'm-Im just so tired of crying Justin! Why does he expect me to forgive him so easily after he just left me? How could he do that to his own child?!" I cried out in his chest as he held me in his arms

"You're dad? He's here?"

"Yes and he expects me to talk to him again. Even after allowing his wife to verbally attack me as usual!"

"It's okay it's okay.." he whispered coolly in my ear "Honey you're not gonna like what I'm about to say..."

"Justin are you kidding me!" I exclaimed pulling away from him and wiping my tears "Are you seriously gonna take his side on this?! You don't know what it was like growing up in that house with them!"

"You're right, I don't. I can't even imagine the emotions you felt while being in that hospital all alone with not even your parents there to help. But honey, at some point in life, you will have to forgive and forget"

"Why should I?! It's not fair that everyone is pressuring me to let them back in my life when they don't deserve it. It's just not fair.."

"Of course it's unfair, doing the right thing will not always seem fair in your eyes but it's important that you see through it anyway. Forgiving your parents is not only good for them but it would be so much more fulfilling for you. You have no idea how relieved you'll feel after releasing those grudges from your heart honey" I just sat on the sofa listening to every word he said as I stared ahead. He was absolutely right and I hated it with everything in me.

"Justin....I don't care about doing what's right"

"Yeah well you should care about doing what's right for you" I shook my head silently crossing my arms over my chest. I don't care if my actions were childish, I absolutely refused to speak to that man again "Sweetie how do you expect to grow in life if you can't ever learn to let go. If you allow this to continue to have such a strong hold on you, you will never evolve..."

I continued to wipe the ongoing tears as I now looked to the side avoiding eye contact "look at me" he demanded grabbing my hand causing me to unfold my arms. Our eyes met and he smiled softly using his free hand to wipe my tears "Go talk to your father"


With a quickness, I grabbed my phone and bolted out of my apartment with hopes that my father hadn't left the building yet. "Come on Come on.." I muttered with anticipation as I repeatedly pressed the floor to the lobby. I couldn't help but to wince in pain as I felt the lump in my throat.

I can't believe I'm doing this..

I unlocked my phone, dialing his number.

"Hello? Arabella?"

I held my breath struggling to say a word. Just then, the doors of the elevator opened. There my dad stood in the middle of the lobby with his back facing me as he shouted "hello?" Into the phone

"Dad..." I replied barely before a whisper as I walked behind him. He swiftly turned around with the phone to his ear "You're still here?"

"Of course, I had a feeling that I should stick around in case you changed your mind" he chuckled softly shoving his phone in his pocket

"Dad I....I..." I gasped as I was suddenly pulled into a tight hug. I was too stunned to speak, so I just stood frozen with my arms glued to my side and my eyes bulging out of their sockets

"Thank you, Arabella. You don't have to say it, I know in your heart, you forgive me. Thank you. I will never let you down again baby girl...." Because of his words, I began to sob like a little girl. I'm sure the stares were inevitable as I wailed in the middle of the lobby in my fathers arms. I had no idea I wanted to hear him say those words but I guess I did

Once again, Justin was right

"Oh gosh I can't believe I'm behaving this way in front of everyone"

"Oh who cares, I have my baby back" he smiled as I pulled away "I'm so happy to have your forgiveness Arabella. You have no idea how much this means to me. What made you change your mind so suddenly

"I had a talk with an angel" I smiled

"Maybe you can speak to your mother again also?"

"Let's not push it, your wife is a whole 'nother story" I chuckled rolling my eyes and wiping them in the midst

"Oh she's my wife now huh?" He chuckled pushing his glasses up from the bridge of his nose

"Is she not?"

"Honey......you're mother and I are getting a divorce"


Justin Bieber

I sat on the sofa tapping my feet against the floor anxiously waiting for Bella to come back with hopefully, some good news. I hope she understands how important this actually is for her

Knock Knock Knock

I hopped up quickly

"Did you forget your key?!" I questioned as I swung the door open "oh.." to my surprise this wasn't Bella. There stood a short girl with black glasses and bright smile on her face that soon dropped after seeing me

"Justin Bieber...."

"Hi...? I-I'm sorry Bella isn't home right now so.."

"Oh could I come in and wait for her? I brought her over some pie that she loves and she was expecting me"

"She was expecting you?"

"Yeah—oh gosh this pie is still hot, better sit it down quickly" she chuckled as she barged her way in quickly

"Woah I'm sorry who are you?" I followed behind her as she headed to the kitchen

"Oh where are my manners, I'm Mona."

Mona? Why does that name sound so familiar?

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