She then moved along to speak to her friends. Ava squealed excitedly and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Oh my god! I'm so proud of you!"

They were all delirious and spent ages chatting excitedly, dancing and singing and generally having a good time.

When Evie finally reached her family, Ella was asleep on Jemma's hip. She had a pair of ear defenders on and looked ridiculously cute.

Jemma handed her over gently and gave Evie the chance to hug her as the three of them who were awake, had a chat.

Ella began to stir and look around.

"Hello," Evie said cheerfully.

"V v!" Ella said, fully awake as she gripped her little arms around her auntie's neck.

In the changing rooms, all of the girls were praising their youngest teammate. She was being humble as ever but none of them were having it. She'd owned that game. It was her match.

Millie hoisted her up onto her shoulders and paraded around, all of them in hysterics.


Today they'd arranged for them all to have a family barbeque. All the girls had been paired up and had to buy each other ridiculous outfits. Evie had been given Jill and knew exactly what to get.

The two of them were crying with laughter when they exchanged the outfits. This was going to be one entertaining day.

Jill was going to be dressed in typical old ladies' clothes with a wig and a walking stick.

"You've really out done yourself here," she laughed to the youngster.

"So have you," Evie responded, looking at what she was having to wear.

They went off to get changed. First Evie pulled on the neon rainbow unicorn leggings, followed by a unicorn t shirt and finally a pair of shoes that lit up as she walked.

"I mean how did you get these in my size?" Evie laughed as she went along, stomping and rather enjoying the flashing lights that went with it.

Jill did her hair and then the look was complete. Two bunchies came out the sides of her head, clipped into place with two bright pink bows.

They'd both successfully done what they were aiming for; make each other look ridiculously old/childish.

The rest of the team were cracking up when they saw them.

"Grandma and baby out for a walk," Keira teased them.

Tooney was dressed as a lobster and all of them howled loudly when she walked out to the rest of them. She had a ridiculous pair of heels on and Mary was very pleased with what she'd picked out.

With everyone kitted out in stupid clothes, they went out to see their families.

"Nice look," Jamie said when he saw his sister.


They'd laughed a lot at the fit but they laughed even harder when they all realised that Evie was effectively matching with Ella.

"Same," the toddler cheered excitedly, pointing between her own clothes and her aunties.

"Yeah we can pass as twins," Evie said, making Ella smile widely.

The BBQ was a lot of fun and they were all having a good time with their families.

They had some music on and Ella insisted on dancing with Evie. They were right in the middle in front of everybody but that couldn't deter them.

Ella's dancing was ridiculously cute and Evie tried to copy. Everyone else watched along. It was impossible not to smile at the sight in front of them.

A bit later on and Ella was off with Leah, giving Evie a proper chance to catch up with Jamie and Jemma.

"So how've you both been?" she asked.

"Well..." Jamie said, exchanging a glance with Jemma, "We've got a bit of news."

"I'm pregnant," Jemma said. Evie's face broke into a huge grin and she went forward and pulled Jem into a hug.

"I'm so pleased for you," she squealed excitedly.

"We're due in January so still ages yet," Jemma said.

"That's such good news!"

Evie was having a great day anyway but hearing that she was going to be an Auntie again had made it even better.

Jemma and Ella were off meeting Demi's baby, Harlen.

"Careful," Jemma's voice could be heard saying as Ella was taking a good look at him.

"You excited to be a dad again?" Evie asked her brother, as the two of them sat together, watching.

"Yeah," he replied but there was something off.

"What is it?" she asked, catching on straight away.

"Just," he paused, "I don't know if I can be a dad to two kids. What if I'm not good enough and they both end up hating each other? What if Ella gets jealous of the new baby? I just don't know if I can be a dad to more than one child."

"Jamie. You're a brilliant dad. I doubt you thought you'd be a good parent to Ella but look at you now. You're amazing. We weren't raised to get on. We weren't taught to be nice to each other but that's not going to happen. You and Jemma are brilliant parents. Ella loves you so much and the new baby will as well."

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right."

"The fact you're even stressing about it, shows how much you care. And caring shows that you'd never let anything bad happen."

They were all having a fun time, sitting around in various chairs and chatting away.

Evie was sat on a sun lounger, Ella asleep on her chest. The sky was turning to a nice orange and the evening warmth was creeping in.


One of the girls' favourite things to do together was grab a coffee from the coffee place at the hotel. They'd all get their drinks and sit out on the terrace together.

It was hot. Very hot. Iced coffee was the only way to go and they all sat in the shade having a chat.

Their conversations varied through anything and everything. Getting to know each other as well as they had done was improving their play in football. They'd all bonded more than they'd ever expected.

Leah was sharing some of her favourite stories that she'd been told by Mr Bahri and Evie was going bright red with pure embarrassment.

She didn't mind too much, all the girls found it hilarious and howled at some of them.

"One time she climbed onto the roof to bunk her lesson."

"In my defence it was only RS and my teacher genuinely hated me," Evie argued.

"Then you told your head of year he was overweight and unlovable."

The girls began to laugh at how savage she'd been.

"Yeah I have no defence for that."

Because of the extreme weather, their training had been moved to the evenings in the hope it would be a bit cooler so they had the whole day to relax.

After they'd sat through a whole meeting on tactics, Evie and Fran headed upstairs to play on Fran's play station.

They started with Warzone and had a lot of fun just chatting and playing the game.

Evie wasn't particularly good but luckily Fran could carry them and even with how shocking Evie was, they were doing pretty well.

The two of them spent hours just gaming, the air con on full.


A/N: Went to Chelsea vs Reading today. Pleased with the win even if we weren't at our strongest. Honestly think that Chelsea aren't having the greatest season and we're only top because everyone else is also being a bit dodgy

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