We could never be mad at you

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Later that evening, Leah and Evie were sat watching TV. Evie was exhausted. She'd had an emotional roller coaster of a day.

She lay across the sofa with her head resting on Leah's lap. Leah was absent mindedly playing with her hair as she dozed off.

It got to about half ten and Leah realised how tired she was. She wanted to go up to bed but Evie was fast asleep on her lap and she didn't want to wake her.

Realising that she wouldn't be able to move, she closed her eyes where she was and fell asleep.

It was about half past two when Leah felt someone tugging on her arm. She slowly opened her eyes and allowed them to adjust to the dark.

She looked down and saw Evie cuddling her arm close to her. She was still asleep and Leah just smiled. She looked really cute.

Now an arm down Leah fell back asleep.


"Should we go get a coffee?" Evie suggested. They had training in an hour and needed to kill some time.

"Good idea," Leah said, going to get her shoes on.

The two of them chatted in the car about their experiences with England.

"I love playing for England. I'm so proud to play for my country," Leah said, her eyes glistening with pride.

"Alright Miss England lover. Sounds like you're going to break into 'God Save the Queen' in a minute," Evie teased her.

They arrived at the coffee shop that Evie had been to with Lotte and Laura. It wasn't too busy or too empty. The perfect balance.

They took a seat and waited for someone to come and take their order. Evie's heart jumped a little when she realised that it was Freya coming their way.

"Oh hello again. I don't think I got your name last time," Freya said as she looked at Evie.

"I'm Evie. Evie Warner. What about you?" She mentally face palmed herself for introducing herself with her surname.

"I'm Freya," she replied. She then took their orders and disappeared behind the counter.

"Going for the James Bond introduction, were you?" Leah asked.

"Shut up," Evie groaned as she laid her head down on the table in embarrassment.

"I'm only teasing. It wasn't too noticeable," Leah reassured her.


"Really. Anyway was that why you wanted to come here? Because of her?"

"No. They just make really good coffee," Evie said, unconvincingly.


"They do."

The two of them had their drinks and chatted. After paying they got up and left. Evie was already round the corner when she realised she had left her bag.

"Shit. I left my bag in there."

"I'll go wait in the car. Don't be too long," Leah told her with a cheeky smile.

"Shut up, Le," Evie said as she made her way back to the café.

She went to the booth they were sat in and couldn't find it. She was busy peering under the table when a voice made her jump.

"I think you're looking for this," Freya said. Evie sat up and smacked her head on the table.

"Aw fuck. That hurt," she groaned as she emerged. Freya stood trying to hide her laugh.

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