Chapter 16

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It couldn't have been more awkward if I tried. Kyler about damn lost it when I told him Jason and I are together.

"When I said to get dick I didn't mean his dick!" He yells. Thomas tries to put a hand on Kyler to calm him but Kyler pushes it off. "No! We aren't good cop, bad coping this."

"Kyler she's been through a lot." Thomas protests.

"Yeah, she's been going through a lot of Jason's limp shots!" He yells. I frown at him. "Kyler enough." I say.

"What would Caley say? She was always so kind to us. But SOMEONE-" Kyler yells, looking over my shoulder at Jason, who awkwardly stands in the lawn. "Used to be cruel to us nobodies!"

Thomas then pushes Kyler back and points a finger at him. "Don't make me, I swear to God, Kyler. Let's hear the man out. If he isn't nice we will toss him out." Thomas says.

Kyler goes to protest but Thomas places a hand on his cheek. "Muffin please." Thomas says, quietly. I can't help but smile. Kyler quickly kisses Thomas's cheek. "Just... don't call me muffin."

Tommy and Ky face me, both smiling. "He's calm now." Tommy says. I nod and then reach behind me for Jason. "As you already know, this is Jason." I say. Jason rushes up and extends a hand to the boys. "Nice to see you both."

Tommy shakes his hand, quickly making small chat about the drive. Then it's Ky's turn. He just looks at Jason's hand. He then spits in his hand and shakes Jason's. "I just got over the flu. Pretty sure I'm still contagious."

I roll my eyes. "Kyler." I say sternly.

"Wanna see the house? We added new flooring!" Tommy exclaims, breaking the tension the best he can.

"Yeah!" I say, looping my arm in his. We walk away, leaving Kyler to potentially bite Jason's head off.

"I heard about Jefferson," Tommy says as we reach the steps.

"Yeah... tragic isn't it?" I say, trying to sound as sympathetic as possible. Even though I couldn't give a flying fuck.

"I'm guessing that these recent murders are the reason you both left the city?" Tommy asks as we walk in. I raise an eyebrow. "How so?" I ask. I don't mean to sound so defensive.

"These people murdered Caley. I hope they got them all. Can't trust anyone nowadays." He says.

I glance around at their open floor plan. Very very open. But they did buy some really nice couches which sit nicely in front of the wall mounted TV over the fireplace. And is that...

"Is that a fish tank as your center table? In the living area?" I ask. We walk over, Tommy all excited. "Yes! All colorful fish. Don't worry, they are fed. But we didn't want to stick them in a tank in the corner of the room. They can watch TV this way!"

"Tommy," I say, resting my hands on his shoulders. "I don't think the fish need to watch TV."

He then pulls me into a random hug, but I take it. "I was worried sick. We both were." He says, randomly.

He pulls me out of the hug and I smile at him. "I'm fine. See? I'm okay."

Then Kyler and Jason enter. Immediately Kyler offers Jason a drink and he immediately says yes. They both retreat downstairs, which makes me nervous.

"Relax," Thomas says. "That's his man cave. Remember, he is trying to be a bartender."

Oh I remember. And I could go for one of his signature cocktails right now. Instead, I sit on the couch with Tommy for a chat.

"So, how is he?" He asks. I give him a look of confusion. Then it hits me. I punch him softly in the arm. "Tommy!" I exclaim.

He nudges my arm back. "Come on, just between us." He says, rest his arm on the couch and then his head.

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