Chapter Seven

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December 14th was Caley Roger's funeral. Today. I stand on the grass beside Jason as the coffin is lowered six feet down. I glance up to look at the photo of Caley, placed in a rose gold frame. A wreath of flowers decorate the edges of the frame and the stand it's on.

I glance over at Jason. His face is half anger, half pain. I look away from him shyly, still not sure what to say. The priest looks at me and motions me forward subtly. I cautiously step forward as I peer into the hole with the black coffin at the very bottom.

I hold out the red rose in my hand and over the ominous hole. My focus zooms in on a single thorn protruding out towards me. I move my thumb up to it and press. The thorn pierces through my gloved hand and into my skin. Sharp pain hits my skin and onto my blood stream. Out of reaction, I let go of the rose, letting it fall down before it hits the top of the coffin.

And I lose it.

I can't help the flood of tears that come. But they do. Hands grab me from behind, pulling me back. They pull me into an unfamiliar chest, a shirt of all black. I go to look up at the person, me hoping it's either Kyler or Thomas. But a hand reaches up to stroke my hair while shushing me gently.

I don't know this voice. Nor these shushes.

I cautiously wrap my free hand around the man's back. I'm assuming it's a man. It's a man's build for sure. Or it's just a very big boned woman.

"Jason Walsh?" The priest says, awaiting him to say a few words. I peep through the arm to try and find Jason but get no where.

Finally he speaks.

"Caley will be sorely missed. In more ways than she nor anyone will ever know. We must do as she would want, what her dying wishes were. To take care of one another." He says.

The chest my head is flat against vibrates with every syllable Jason utters. I start to cautiously raise my head up to look at my comforter.

It's Jason.

I gape up at him. Half confused half surprised. "I'm a sucker for listening to her," he says, smiling. "Caley was the good in us."

I smile, nodding. "She really was wasn't she?" I say, softly.

Jason wraps an arm around my back and pulls me closer. I keep my hands in my pockets, trying to warm them from the freezing Seattle rain.

When the ceremony concludes the boys walk up to us, Kyler glaring at Jason. "It's fine." I say, giving Ky the nod of approval. Thomas steps ahead of Kyler as he extends a hand to Jason. "I am sorry for your loss, brother." He says. Jason takes his hand, shaking it. "I appreciate you all being here, for her."

"We had no beef with Caley." Kyler says, looking over at me. "She as always kind and gentle. Very understanding."

"I never quite understood the Loser Gang too well, but she did." Jason adds. Thomas throws a hand out behind him as Kyler steps forward.

"No, Ky." I warn, glaring. "Not here. Not today. Not now." I say. For Caley.

"Look," I say, stepping between everyone. "I am utterly exhausted I haven't slept since..." my eyes wander over to the hole in the ground. The hole being covered with dirt once again.

These Violent EndsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora