Chapter 14

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Pool. A game where you shoot balls into holes.

How fitting.

Michael sets the ring in the middle, lifting it up. I glance around at the men around us, ogling other at me. I walk over to Michael, running my nose to his ear and glancing at his friends. "What's up, sugar momma?" He asks.

Call me sugar momma one more time and I rip your foreskin off.

"I feel all eyes on me, you know? I don't want everyone to get a glimpse at me. After all, you did want to fight for me. Others will too." I say. He glances up at his buddies, looking at me and biting their lips. "Guys, I think just us three will be playing. I doubt you'll wanna be here for the end." He says.

"Which will be easy," he adds. "I'll kick your ass, Seth." Jason laughs. "Don't bet on it."

Speaking of.

Michael throws $300 on the corner of the table.

"Come on, you can do better than that little boy." Jason scoffs, throwing in $500.

I reach into my bag and pull out $1,000, all in $100's. I toss it on the table as well.

"How about that?" I ask.

Michael glares up at Jason, gripping his stick tighter. "I guess I'm the daddy now?" I ask.

We played for a while. Nothing too exciting. Besides Jason's shooting glances at Michael, and Michael's occasional slap on my ass. Trust me, he will pay for it later.

I just don't know how yet.

"How did you two meet?" Jason asks, suddenly. I glance over to Michael, who pauses in his place. "On a run." He says. "Been together for quite some time now."

I cock my head at him. "For a day." I argue. Michael walks over, laughing. He loops an arm around my waist. "It certainly does feel like a day with my sexy bitch." He says. I'm going to yank this man's earlobe off.

He then leans to my ear. "Shut your mouth." He whispers. I turn my chin to him, glaring. "Make me." I mutter. I glare at him as he pulls away, him laughing. Obviously in that sick twisted feeble mind of his; he didn't catch the drift that I was threatening him not flirting. He lifts his pointer finger up to my mouth, pushing my lips into a smile subtly.

"And she fucks great." He says.

Okay I've had quite enough of this.

My hold on my pool stick gets tighter. I turn my fake smile on as I angle the pool stick downwards before I thrust it up into his crotch. He falls back, grabbing the table. "You fucking bitch!" He yells.

Jason rushes over to help me. Michael jumps to his feet. Jason swings his pool stick at him and Michael fights back with his. I grab mine again and hit him right in the stomach. He gets me right in the head.

"Hey boys!" Michael yells. Jason quickly lunges and wraps his arms around Michael's torso and pushes him against the wall. I run over. Clasping a hand over his mouth. "Shut up." I warn. I look over at the door, just waiting for someone to burst in. "You good boss?" One of his friends call from behind the door.

"Tell them whatever you need to so they don't come in this room." Jason warns. I cautiously let go of Michael's mouth. "I'm fine guys! Go and get some pussy for yourselves and enjoy the night! I sure am going to be!" He says, laughing. The boys roar behind the door and we hear them begin to walk away. Michael's smile fades as I clasp a hand over his mouth. "Plan?" I ask Jason.

He looks around the room and starts ripping drawers open. Finally, he pulls out some handcuffs. "What were you planning with my girl?" Jason asks. Then he grabs Michael and throws him onto the pool table. "Jason! Stop!" I yell, trying to get him off Michael.

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