FIRST MEET-Flashback♡

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The man let out a guttural groan as he stumbled down the deserted streets, his breaths labored and shallow

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The man let out a guttural groan as he stumbled down the deserted streets, his breaths labored and shallow. The sound of footsteps echoed behind him, signaling the relentless pursuit of the men who had viciously attacked him.

Frantically scanning the empty streets and dark alleys, he desperately sought refuge. But hope dwindled with each turn, until he caught sight of a small temple in the distance. His only chance at survival.

Ignoring the searing pain in his side, he pushed himself forward, his heart racing as he lunged towards the temple. Collapsing at the entrance, he looked up to see a young woman, no more than nineteen or twenty, with a look of concern etched on her face.

The man's voice trembled with agony as he pleaded, "Hume iss waqt maddat ki jrurat hai." (i need your help)The girl's panic escalated as she noticed the boy's left abdomen covered with a handkerchief and a cut on his face.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her voice heavy with worry. Her quick assessment revealed that he needed immediate medical attention. "Come with me," she urged, taking his hand and leading him to her bike. As they sped towards the hospital, she couldn't help but wonder who this boy was and what had led to his dire condition. But for now, saving his life was her sole focus.

"Just hold on, you'll be okay. Mahadev will watch over you," she whispered, her voice trembling with fear. But the boy had already lost consciousness.

Upon arrival at the hospital, the man was whisked away into emergency surgery, leaving the girl to anxiously await any news of his fate.

after 4 hours

After four long hours of surgery, the man finally regained consciousness. His first question to the doctor was about the girl who had brought him to the hospital.

"Doctor, jo ldki mujhe yaha lekr aie thi kya me unse mil skte hu?" (doctor can I meet that girl who brought me here) he murmured in a dazed voice, still under the effects of the medication.

"Girl? I'm sorry to say that she's no longer here," replied the doctor. "What do you mean she's not here?" Aahan asked, his voice rising with concern.

"She left after informing your family," the doctor replied calmly.

Before Aahan could say anything further, a familiar voice interrupted. "Aahan!"

He turned his head to see his worried family gathered around him. "How are you Aahan? How did this happen?" his mother asked, tears streaming down her face as she cupped his cheeks.

"I'm fine, Mom. Nothing happened. It's just a normal thing. I'll be fine," he reassured her. Everyone entered the room and spent time with him, offering words of comfort and support.

Author's Pov

Aditya followed the doctor into the room, concerned about what had transpired. "Aahan, how did it happen? Do you have any idea?" he asked.

"Bhai, I'm not entirely sure, but I'll look into it," Aahan replied. "Well, do as you like. Right now, all I want is to see you fully recovered," Aditya said with a dejected look.

"Exactly, bhai. Look, I'm perfectly fine," Aahan responded, flexing his biceps playfully, only to elicit a cry of pain from his brother.


"See who's trying to be a hero here, the one who just got admitted after taking a beating from some random guy," Aditya added, trying not to laugh.

"Alright, enough, Aditya. He's hurt. Let's leave him alone. Come on, let's go," sarika defended her brother-in-law.


Once they had all left the room, Aahan made a quick phone call. After two rings, someone picked up the call, eager to hear from him.

"Hello," a professional voice answered.

"Hello, today someone attacked me, and I need all the information you can gather," Aahan stated quietly.

"Yes, sir," the voice responded.

"By the way, sir, are you okay now?" the voice asked with concern.

"Akhil, I'm okay now. I just need the information as soon as possible," Aahan reassured him.

"Noted, sir," Akhil said.

After a brief pause, Aahan instructed, "And one more thing, I want to find the person who saved me. Find someone who can help me in this matter."

"Okay, sir. Give me some time, and I will try to arrange someone who can assist you," Akhil replied.

Aahan simply nodded and ended the call. He stood by the window, lost in thoughts of his savior. He remembered her panicked voice, urging him not to die and assuring him that Mahadev would protect him. A sheepish smile formed on his face as he reminisced. "Your Mahadev didn't let anything happen to me. Maybe I should have told you that myself," he sighed. "I will meet you soon, my savior," he murmured, gazing out at the city's daytime view from his hospital room window.


Upon uncovering the identity of the group that attacked him, Aahan learned that they were sent by a rival company. The mastermind behind the entire ordeal was now under police investigation, facing the consequences of their actions.

Driven by a deep desire to find his Ms. Savior, Aahan spared no effort in his search. However, despite his relentless pursuit, he couldn't gather a single detail about her. It remained unclear whether she had disappeared or if she simply didn't reside in Mumbai.

Even after four long years, thoughts of her haunted his dreams, tormenting him with unanswered questions. Aahan couldn't shake the memories of their brief encounter, the compassion in her eyes, and her unwavering support during his time of need. He yearned to express his gratitude and find closure.

His determination remained unwavering as he continued his quest to locate her, leaving no stone unturned. Aahan sought solace in the hope that one day their paths would cross again, and he would finally have the opportunity to thank her and discover the truth about the mysterious woman who had saved his life.


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-aein ♡

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