The New Student

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(Hey you guys farts off I made theis chapter longer that's why it took me so long also not me posting to story's in one day I'm so proud of myself now on with the story.)

Wukong POV:

I got up earlier than I normally do so I can get something to eat for the girl I walked out of my room to see MK's friend still asleep on the couch the covers I gave her last night were strolled over her covering her whole body.

Without a sound or ward I left I went across the sea on my cloud I got to the city jumping off the cloud in to an alleyway I threw the hoody of my jacket on and walked out into the sidewalk

Y/n POV:

I sat up still sleepy till realizing I wasn't in my bed or apartment 'Ho yeh I spent the night at Wukongs' I got up stretching looking at my surroundings

There were covers covering my legs I got up yoning shaking my head in the process. 'Now where's the bathroom' I thought as I walked to a showert hallway on the left were tow does were on the right there was a singul door 'It should be the one on the right' I opened the door

It wasn't the bathroom instead I found a messy but very decorative room "What kind of room, I only see rooms like this on Pinterest" I said stoned about the room, vin's grow from the cracked window to the near bay bed

The light that came from the window made it look relaxing and homey, shaking my head I left closing the door behind me I went to the door across the bedroom to find it was the bathroom sighing I closed the door behind me

Wukong POV:

I got back taking off my hoodie and throwing it to the side I walked into the living room and saw the bathroom light was on. 'Y/n's up' I thought as I grabbed the food out the bag, she walked out the bathroom and to the small area I was in "You got food" she asked "Yeah here" I headed her a sandwich and a drink

She took it and walked to the small table and sat on the ground "So what's the plan" sha asked taking a bit of food I sat in front of her "Well when I went out I told MK to come over for training and bring you some close" I lead my head on the table will she finish her food

After a hour MK showed up with the dragon girl "MIE!!" You showted seeing her "Y/N!" She cried flinging you around in a hug she sat you down again and headed you a bag, "Her it's some close" you took the bag "Thanks" you smiled

MK trend me around so the two of you wouldn't hear "Hey Wukong I got something to tell you" MK  and I squat to the ground "When me and Mie stopped by y/n's apartment her place was a mess no one was there at the time" I nodded my head "Don't tell y/n about this" I looked at MK he nodded

We stood up and trend towards the two only to find Mie "Y/n went to change, now let's get training" she said punching the air

I lead back watching the two train we were near the temple as they were on the sand layout, soon y/n came around ready for her lesson I got up and headed to the three "All right now since we got a newcomer" I said looking over at y/n she rolled her eyes with a smile "I want the tow of you to help her catch up, got that"

I looked over at MK and Mie "Got it!!" They smiled and took off with y/n


We were helping y/n work on her flex ability seeing how far she can go she could go into a splint with eas and lift both her legs to her head standing up, after that we sparred with her even though she didn't have a weapon she was still good needed to work on her feet work

After a minute Wukong got up and headed over to us "Alright least lesson" he said me and Mie new what he was talking about but y/n looked didn't now what he was talking about "What are we doing" y/n asked Mie trend to her "Were going to have sparring mach with Wukong" she got out her green sword "ho" y/n said

Y/n's POV:

'The three of us against Monkey King sounds fair' the two gimped at Wukong 'Jumping in at full swing that's MK and Mie for yeah' Wukong throw both to the side I cam from behind throwing a high kick at him he dodged it sweeping his feet onder mine I tripped but didn't hit the ground

Wukong cot me in mid air by my waist "You give up" he asked I see the tow behind him sneaking up I look back at him "Nop" I said as the tow jumped at him he spun me around  as he handled the tow jumping at him

I feel to the ground purity hard "Dam that heart" I got up to see MK and Mie on the ground painting Wukong landed next to them "Alright class dismes" he said smiling

I got up feeling my legs were sore I walked to the painting body's "I'll see you tow later" I said, they through a thumbs up at me and I left

Three Months Later

It's been chill staying with Wukong well now I call him King for short I can't go into the city do to the whole Macaque thing, but for some reason I .  .  . Miss  .  . him  .  .  .  And the bracelet gotten titer but not to were it hearts

It was late as I was on the couch watching a movie since King doesn't have any cable soon the (Adult Scene) popped up I never watched this movie before so it was a shocker when it came up

Witching how the male spoke and touched the protagonist reminded me of the time's with Macaque and longing for him 'Wait what am I saying' I thought shaking my head "You like the movie" I gimped from the couch onto my feet King was behind the couch slumped over

I got red in the face of him seeing me watching the movie especially when a moan came from the TV "Oh well I'm going to go take a shower now so" I said looking towards the small hallway "You sher your going to miss the best part~" King looked like he was going to attack me "Nop I'm good" I said walking away ' After the first month living with King I cot fellings

After my shower I was getting ready for bed since King didn't have a nother room I had to sleep on the couch he did offer me to sleep in his bed but I denied it, silence ran through the house and flashes of Macaque ran through my head one after another

Wukong POV:

I woke up with needing something to drink as I got out of my bed I slowly walked to the kitchen but stopped in my track I heard  .  .  .  . Moaning  .  . I peeked around the corner of the hallway

What I say I thought was a dream y/n had a hand in her short's moving it in a up and down rithom she grabbed the pillow she was laying on "MMMmmm" she moaned

At that time seeing y/n touching herself I would be lying if it didn't get me hard "King" I herd her say my name and before I now it I was on to of her.

(Hey again I hope you enjoyed the story I'm going to go back and fix any mistakes but untill then BEEEEEYYYY LOL)

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