Problems in Asgard are a family matter

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Again she had a point, were even so much as one Jotunn to appear in Asgard it would stop anything and everything that was happening, "But it could still reflect poorly on Harry, remind the people why they hate Jotunns to begin with. As good as they would be to stop the ceremony, it could still cause problems later. You know what Sif will have to say about it," Loki frowned just picturing Sif trying to lay the blame on Harry.

"Loki," Freya began, "If you want, I COULD use a few of my contacts, to work through what Midgardians call a 'middle man', that way it couldn't be traced back to either of us, and it would look like the Jotunns are a new threat, but because I would make sure Harry was with me up to a week before the ceremony, there is no way that Harry could be blamed, just say the word and I will get to work setting it up," she said, "Better if we use a middle man then act directly!" she tried to reason.

Loki rubbed his face with his hands; with nothing to trace it back to them it might lessen the back fire that could happen. However there are always chances of back firing on them. He had to weigh the possible risks against what they were trying to stop. "How long do we have to do this if we go this route?" Loki questioned.

Freya sighed loudly and rudely as she thought about it, "Technically speaking, the guy I would use, would have to go through a number of shady contacts, I haven't exactly been 'squeaky clean' or 'legal', even by Asgard's standards, in the first few decades of my journey Loki," she said, "But, suffice to say, I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a number of other guys who have contacts with a branch of fanatic Jotunns, we give this guy a bit of advice on how to access the secret paths, and, well, we would have chaos, the fanatics aren't the best of the Jotunns, in fact, their some of the worst trained, after all, fanatics will always take what they can get after all, needless to say, in this case, they would disrupt the event, and be killed in the process due to inept training, win win, and the best part is, if anyone did look into their history, they would just lead to a group of fanatics who got an anonymous tip," she then looked at Loki, "Loki, I don't want to do this, but the idea of Thor on the throne is even worse, cause if Sif ever does get back into Thor's good graces, you know what she would have him do, that, or she would convince him its 'for the good of Asgard'," she said, knowing that, Thor, for all his maturity that he had gotten recently, was still naive to manipulations.

Loki's hands balled into fist at the last part, it sounded far too similar to Dumbledores 'Greater Good' for his liking. In a sense Loki could see how similar Sif and Dumbledore are, however he had managed to cripple Dumbledore's plans when last he saw the old fool. Sif on the other hand, while disgraced, was far from crippled at the moment. However, even with the threat of Sif worming her way back to Thor's side, Loki knew he had to take care with this. So he carefully weighed his options, not that he had many before giving Freya a nod. "Speak to your contact and get this going. We don't have long before it will be time. I just pray that everyone sees the truth after this, and that father sees how immature Thor still is," Loki said, also hoping that, should Harry and Thorina ever learn of his actions, that they can forgive him and understand his reasoning.

Freya nodded, "Cover my disappearance for a day, and I can get the ball rolling, I will give him the details, he can then set the rest up, besides, everyone hates fanatics cause they are always stirring up trouble," she finished, and while she was smiling, it was a sad smile.

"Shouldn't be too hard to cover up your disappearance, after all your only real tie to Asgard is myself and you are known to up and go off for ages at a time," Loki waved off. "I will say something along the lines of you visiting your brother or fetching something from somewhere, simple and believable."


~The next day~

~Sif's POV~

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