Chapter 28: Intelligences of the Artificial Persuasion

Start from the beginning


Lilith: Pretty good deal. Why didn't you take it?

Chifuyu: What do you think we were? A bunch of mustache-twirling villains? Jack hired us to kill bad guys, get paid, and help people. No different from y–

Lilith: – You say you're anything like us and I'll kill you where you stand.

Tina: Hey, Lilith! Wanna play another round of Bunkers and Badasses?

Lilith: Not now, Tina.

Tina: Oh, right. Serious time. My bad.


ECHO-Roland: Hey – it's Jack, right? I'm Roland. Moxxi dropped me a line, said you need a hand building robots? My, uh... colleague, Lilith and I spotted some old Dahl industrial complexes dotted around the area. A scout around might solve your hardware problem. We'll let you know.

ECHO-Jack: Sounds good! ECHO me when you got something.

(00:00 - 00:08)

Athena: Um... hello.

Wilhelm: Talk.

Pickle: Springs says you're trying to get yer mitts on some military AI. Well, it's yer lucky day! You can half-inch one from the Drakensburg! I hear The Bosun and The Skipper – who run that place – are well known collectors of rare and nifty intelligences of the artificial persuasion. Trouble is, it's not like you can just walk right up to the place and ask to have an AI.

Chifuyu: Believe me, we can.

Pickle: Cocky, eh?! Fair enough, they're a tricky pair, but maybe they'll let you on board right off the bat! I'm updating your ECHO with the most direct route there! Truth is, I've 'ad my eye on that wreck for a while, and you going in for a bit of a look-see would let me do a bit of shopping meself!


Tina: Pickle. Dassa funny name.

Chifuyu: He's about your age.

Tina: I do not understand your meaning, madame. This boy sounds like a CHILD.

Chifuyu: You're a–

(Y/N): – She thinks she's like thirty or somethin'. Don't worry about it.

Tina: I am a LADY. I have lots of MENOPAUSE.

(Y/N): You got no idea what that means, do you?

Tina: Mm. Quite.


We enter Outlands Spur.

ECHO-Pickle: The Drakensburg's a juicy wreck alright! Ex-Dahl frigate, don't ya know? Bet it's stuffed with tech I could half-inch pinch! The Bosun and Skipper 'ave been good at keepin' me out – but now you're 'ere, that's about to change!

We made our way to the processing plant.

ECHO-Pickle: The Drakensburg, ex-Dahl warship, and all that, crashed before the Crackenin', 'swhat they say. Now, a bunch of ripe smelling scavs live there, led by The Bosun and his friend, what's called The Skipper. Not that anyone knows what she looks like, which makes yer head scratch. Anyway, find a way inside, and don't be shy to say 'ello to the locals on the way.

We entered the bridge.

ECHO-Now, a bunch of ripe smelling scavs live there, led by The Bosun and his friend, what's called The Skipper. Not that anyone knows what she looks like, which makes yer head scratch. Anyway, find a way inside, and don't be shy to say 'ello to the locals on the way.

A Psycho in a Female World (Infinite Stratos x Krieg male reader)Where stories live. Discover now