Chapter 5

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Hyunjin leaned down and whispered in my ear "let's go to the room that I booked in this hotel" and then he smirked.

"WHAT!?" I said. I looked at him in shock. "What you wanna do with me in that room?" I said, raising one eyebrow. "You don't remember our deal? You said you would do 'anything' and accept 'whatever I do'. Huh?" He said. He was right about our fucking deal. So I just nodded and then we went in. He had his hand on my waist. I really don't like this but I have to do it. Because I really want money now.

We went towards the receptionist hyunjin to ask about the room key. And she gave him the keys. "Is she your girlfriend?" The receptionist asked. I was gonna say "no-" but he cut my words and said "yeah of course, soon to be my wife" and winked at me.

We went into the room. "Come in Princess", hyunjin said, and opened the door for me. I walked in. He walked behind me and locked the door.

"Shall we start?" He asked. I had no choice, so I just nodded. And then I started kissing him. He kissed me back. "Are you sure you can do it? Because if I start so, I can't control myself after that" he said with a raspy voice. "It's okay, I just want money to pay me after that" i said. He nodded and started kissing me again.
* You can imagine the rest by yourself ;)*


OH MY GOD. I DID IT WITH THIS JERK. Cool down y/n, cool down. I am laying  on the bed with him. He is sleeping now and he has his hand on my waist. He is too close to me. I can feel his breath on my ear. Oh my god, what's going on in my stomach? I don't feel anything towards him. Ahh.

"Hyunjin, hyunjin wake up, wake up hyunjin" I said. He is still sleeping with no reaction. I turned towards him. Oh my god, his face is just inches away from me. I sat down. "Hyunjin wake up!" I said again, still no reaction.

"HYUNJIN WAKE UPPPPP YOU JERK AND PAY ME MY MONEY SO I CAN GO!!!" I shouted at him. He sat up suddenly. "What happened, what happened?" He said in shock. "Give me my money so I can go know" i said while taking my clothes with me. "What's the rush? Let's sleep one more hour" he said with a smirk. "Ahh hyunjin! Give me my money!" I said. "OK, calm down, calm down" he said. Then he searched for his pants and pulled out a brown envelope. He gave it to me. "OK now I'm going, bye" I said and left.


Today is Sunday. So I don't have school, but Felix called me and he said he wanted to hangout with me. I don't have any plans, so I say yes.

Now I'm getting ready. Then, suddenly, my doorbell rang. I went to open the door. It was Felix, of course.

"Hi y/n, good afternoon!" He said with a big smile on his face. "Hi Felix!" I said, then I hugged him. "Let me do my make-up first, then we can go", I said. "You look beautiful, you don't have to do makeup" he said i giggle

"But I'm still going to do my makeup. You can sit on the couch. I will be back in 10 min" I said. He nodded.

"OK let's go", I said while coming down. "Wow, you are looking more beautiful now" he said. "Thank you Mr. Felix, so can we go now?" I said. He giggled and said "OK miss y/n, let's go", then we went towards his car.

We went to the mall for shopping because Felix said he also likes shopping! We buy so many clothes and I also buy new cosmetics, of course! Then we went to the restaurant because we were hungry. I really don't know Felix really has the same choice as me. While eating, Felix asked me about my family because I never talked about them.

"So how's your family? How many members do you have?" He asked. I feel a bit uncomfortable because, honestly, I don't like them. But I answered, "they are doing well I think, and I have my mom and dad and a younger brother", I said with a smile on my face. He nodded.

After that, we went to an amusement park! We rode a roller coaster. Felix also likes roller coaster rides! Wow, he really has the same taste as me. While we were buying some ice cream, I saw Hyunjin with a girl and they were both feeding each other ice cream. Eww. Honestly, I don't like these things.

While I was watching them, Felix came up with two ice creams. "You bought vanilla? It's my fav!" I said while getting the ice cream. "Yeah I also like this flavour, it's simple and tasty", he said "me too", I said.

He saw Hyunjin and the girl he was with. "Another girl" he said while doing an eye roll. "I don't know why girls like him, I mean, of course, he is good looking. They all know that he will leave them when he gets bored, forget it, let's go" he said. I nodded, then went for another ride.

We had so much fun. Felix is really a great person. He dropped me off, then went to his house.

[Time SKIP]

While I was watching my fav drama, the door bell rang. Who came this late? It's literally 1:45 a.m. I look outside from my window. Then I saw a guy in a black shirt standing outside. I really got scared. Who is he? Is he a gangster or a stalker? Or is he a thief? So many questions came to my mind.

Again the doorbell rang. I saw outside from the window he was still there. Oh my god he looked at me! I can't see his face clearly because it's dark. He waved at me.

I hid under my blanket. I don't what to do. Oh Felix, I should call him. But I think he is sleeping right now. But I need help. I dialled his number and he answered in about 20 seconds.

"Felix, someone is outside my house, I don't know who he is and he keeps ringing my doorbell!" I said while sobbing. "Wait I am coming, calm down. I will be there in 5 min", he said. "Ok Felix, please hurry up". I said.

After that, my phone got switched off. Because I forgot to charge it. Again the doorbell rang. This time he shouted "Hey! Open the door!!! I already saw you!" I didn't reply.

Then I saw Felix's car. Thank God he came. The guy from earlier ran away. I went down and opened the door. Felix hugged me. "Are you okay?" He asked "Yes". I nodded. "Did you see his face?" I asked. "No, he ran away before I could catch him, it's okay now I'm here. Don't worry" he said. "Thank you so much Felix" I said. He wiped my tears. "It's okay" he said.


Felix went to his house after eating breakfast. He slept yesterday at my house.

Now I'm getting ready for school. After that, I went outside and locked the door. I think Felix will also come soon.

While waiting outside, suddenly, a hand covered my face. I tried to turn towards the person. But then he whispered in my ear "good morning y/n. Why didn't you open the door for me yesterday? Huh?" I got really shocked. Then I saw Felix's car coming. The men ran away again. He had a cap and a black mask. So I can't see his face or hair.

A/N :  thank you so much<3. I hope you're I'll like this part. And please vote and keep supporting me. I will try to give update regularly.

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