Now finally looking at the king, Raewyn awaited his words, knowing that perhaps now was the worst time to ever speak up.

"They are taking us for fools," Thorin muttered to himself. "This is a ruse, a filthy lie."

His eyes scanned over his subject, before ultimately landing on Raewyn, his eyes set in anger, though it was obvious to both it was not necessarily directed towards her.

"The Arkenstone is in this mountain!" He roared, facing the Lakeman. "It is a trick!"

"It-It's not a trick," A new voice spoke up, drawing the attention of all those on the rampart. "The stone is real. I gave it to them."

"Bilbo," Raewyn whispered, staring at the hobbit in horror.

"You..." Thorin whispered, near enraged.

"I gave it-" "I took it as my fourteenth share." Bilbo interrupted, shaking off Raewyn's attempts to help him.

"You would steal from me?" The king hissed.

"Steal from you?" The hobbit repeated. "No, no. I may be a burglar, but I like to think I'm an honest one. I'm willing to let it stand against my claim."

Closing her eyes upon his choice of words, Raewyn shook her head, knowing Bilbo had the right intentions, but the wrong choice of speech.

"Against your claim? Your claim?!" Thorin raged, throwing his bow down in anger. "You have no claim over me, you miserable rat!"

Crazed with greed and anger, the dwarf marched up to Bilbo, setting a threatening pace. Making a quick decision, Raewyn ran up to the king, halting in front of him, thankful her armor had now made her heavier, and therefore more difficult to move.

"I found it!" She lied, knowing Thorin would believe her would it only be in his hatred against her. Now all eyes fell on her, including Bilbo's, who was at loss for words.

"When I left Erebor," She convinced. "I found the stone minutes prior, but I knew you were suspecting me of treason. I gave it to Bilbo as to keep it within the mountain, making him promise he'd hand it to you when you were thinking clearly again."

"You would have taken the Arkenstone with you?" The king seethed.

"I would have if you were alone. But you are not." Raewyn explained, gesturing towards the group surrounding them.  "I would have given you the right to the gem, had you only kept your word and sanity towards the people of Laketown."

"Who are you to decide my right?" Thorin hissed, taking another step closer to the Asha, who refused to take one back, only looking down at the dwarf. "You are nothing, you come from nothing! You come from a line of impure imbeciles, who wander the lands as if they owned them. Without respect, without dignity! And you are no better." He cursed, his face now mere inches removed from Raewyn, but yet, she refused to yield.

"You have traveled with my kin," He whispered harshly. "You have deceived my kin. And now you dare wear the armor of my kin. You are not one of us, you are not a dwarf, nor will you ever be. You are the worst creature I have encountered."

"You can say any words you think of me," The Asha returned, her voice venomous and sharp. "You may insult me, you may call me names, accuse me of the things you yourself have done, I could not care. But you bring my clan into this once more, and this mountain will no longer house a king."

Deciding against her speech, the dwarf showed a mocking smirk, narrowing his eyes at her, speaking his next words in a low tone.

"You are the last of a line of rebels, naysayers, traitors, and thieves. No one cares about them anymore. Your name is weak and unfortunate." The words were spat in her face, causing her to clench her jaw together in anger.

Starcrossed Losers - [A Kili X OC fic]Where stories live. Discover now