Rafe, John B & JJ // Murder

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It was common knowledge that Luke Maybank was the lowest of the low, the man was a known abuser, an alcoholic, a drug addict, and a child beater above that. Heavy emphasis on the abuser and child beater aspect.

John would know, he'd seen enough proof of the man being as such. It had his blood boiling anytime he was faced with such evidence. To put it lightly, Luke was nothing, and offered nothing to JJ or society.

And frankly, that's just that. Luke was nothing, offered nothing good to anyone. If anything John B knew JJ's father was the kind of person that no one would miss if the man so happened to of crossed the line. Was well aware that nobody would miss that piece of scum if the man crossed the line and had to be put down.

John B had always believed in that, had always known that nobody other than JJ in some trauma-bonded sort of way, would ever miss the guy. Hell, Luke wasn't even worthy of being missed.

Thing is, he'd just never quite known how true it was until he put Luke Maybank down.

And he had. For the first time, it was more than just a thought he'd had. Because this time he'd done it, not even by himself either, he'd had help. This time, it'd been more than a thought of stopping Luke, it'd been more than a plan as well. Because he and Rafe fucking Cameron of all people had done it. They'd been the ones to put an end to Luke Maybank's wrath.

They'd done everyone a favor, made it so that Luke's fingers couldn't be laid upon anyone else. Made it so that Luke couldn't harm anyone else.

In a twisted sort of way, it was a freeing feeling. Gave him a sense of relief, and John B Routledge would love to say that he regrets it, would love to hang onto that shred of humanity in him that says it's wrong to not feel anything over killing someone. But he'd be lying if he said he did feel any remorse for what he'd done.

He didn't feel bad for it, for murdering Luke, or for taking the man away from this world. A world that Luke never should of been put on, JJ hadn't deserved suffering the misfortune of having Luke as a father.

JJ had never deserved that, not in a million years. And John B had had enough of his best friend believing there to be a reason for Luke's mistreatment.

He'd had enough of it. That included JJ's late-night visits, the night terrors the blonde faced, and the sniveling, sobbing, and shaking that came after them. Enough of being left wondering if the next time he let JJ go home would be the last time he'd see the other.

Had more than enough of seeing his brother, who happened to be the most important person to him in constant pain and terror all because of some deadbeat father.

John B had had enough, had been fed up.

He'd made the decision that he never wanted JJ to show up at the Chateau for any other reason than wanting to see him, that he never wanted to see JJ sporting another split lip, bruise, or broken bone, not from JJ's father's hand.

Never wanted to have to patch JJ up while trying to coax the younger into talking about what the blonde's father had done this time. He never wanted to see his best friend flinch at the raise of a hand or the slam of a door, and never, ever, wanted for JJ to cry into his arms about how JJ's dad was right, that Jayj was worthless and weak, and that the blonde deserved what Luke had been doing.

John B had had enough. He knew that JJ had certainly had enough.

And he had finally had the nerve to do something about it.

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