⭐#3 Book Rieview: Rise Of The Prince

28 3 2

Date: March 11th, 2023.



Honestly, it's a pretty dope cover, although I can't read the subtitle (which ruins the whole point of it) so I advise you either change the color of the subtitle or the font!


I like the blurb, it's short and captivating and makes me curious enough to click on the book

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I like the blurb, it's short and captivating and makes me curious enough to click on the book.

The only problem I have is that it was pretty hard to read it because of the front, but that can just be me.

The intro of the book

Oh wow, we are starting at a good pace! I was
immediately hooked, and kept wondering what was going to happen! So, you are doing good so far.

The plot: the storyline.

I like the short quotes you set at the bringing of each chapter, it's a nice change from what I've been used to.

In chapters 2-3: The storyline is moving a bit slowly but it's moving nevertheless! We're starting to get to know the characters and their predicament.

I like the fact we get to catch sight of different characters with their situations to deal with :o

Next chapters 4-5: The storyline has been okay so far. I suggest in between your dialogue you give more details about the character's environment or how they're feeling in that particular situation or the story will feel rushed to the readers, and the characters won't feel real!

Writing style

You have a simple writing style, which I'm sure will get better the more you write and familiarise yourself with other authors' books.


It's a nice fantasy book, there were a few grammatical errors here and there but nothing like good editing won't fix it! You had a good idea about the whole plot, although the storyline felt a bit rushed. :(

So I'll have to rate this book...

⭐ ⭐.5 stars!

Sorry, I didn't have time to write your book review so CJriteS_ (the Admin)
Helped with this one
(By the way, you guys can check out her work)

Author: @AlwaysAndForeverOV

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