The Next Step

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Cale Knew what he had to do.

When he woke up he left a note.

Saying he is at his mother's grave.

His magic can sense something their.

And another thing in the territory.

He will get them both.

But first his mother's item

He used a spell from a small clan called Fortalia.

They were miners

With that spell the dirt moved itself to show a diary

"So this is the diary"

Your So Cute?!


Hello Cutie! Our you here for the ancient power

"Uh Yes?"

You look like idiot Deruth! Anyways are we related?

"Pfft-...Yes.I...I am your son"

No wonder your soo cute!
Here you go!

Cale gained his mothers second half ancient power

He then used the spell to cover up the grave again

He then used a spell from a small unnamed clan and teleported to where he felt the anomaly

It seems to an ancient power

Cale then knew what to do

He walked out of the slums

Which people were surprised to see

They did not see him come into the slums

He entered the shop

Then bought all the bread

Went to two others.and did.the same

Everytime he did he teleported the bread to the tree

He then walked back to the tree

No one stopped him.

He then floated the bags and dumped them into the whole




I Was a priestess yet they kicked me because they said I was a glutton

"How horrible!"

Thank.You I.knew you would understand!

Heres a gift!

Cale reached into the hole and grabbed the light

Cutie you have a shield!-Tiny Jour


"I hope Your happy to join me in my life..don't worry...I will eat lots!"

Yay food!-GS

New Friend!-Tj

Cale then returned home

"Cale!" Deruth said

"Father? Whats wrong?"
Cale said

Lily came and hugged Cale

She missed her older brother

Violan rolled Basen to Cale

Basen leaned on Cale


"The King summons all the survivors of the Plaza Terroist attacked...we were thinking could you go with Basen?"

"Of Course I would me happy to"

Cale patted Basen Head

And Basen Smiled at him

Everyone prepared what to bring

At dinner Cale spoke

"Please make sure their is less people...but make everything the mosr expensive!"

"Will Do" Violan said

Deruth Smiled at his son and wife

Lily was talking to Basen about what it will be like to travel with Cale

They never have before

Soon it will time to leave


Forgor about this

Do Have like 1 or 2 chapter idea written though

Hoped you enjoyed this

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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