S2E4: A Quiet Time

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A few days later, Arthur approached Dutch's tent to ask a question. 

"Dutch. Miss O'Shea." He greeted. 

"Well, it feels like we are finally getting back on our feet." Dutch said, pleased. 

"You have a buyer for them bonds we stole?" Arthur asked. 

"Not yet, but Hosea's working on it." Dutch assured. 

"When we heading west?" Arthur asked hopefully. 

"Soon, I don't know." Dutch said unsurely. 

"Feels like things have changed. The whole world has changed. That, they don't want folk like us no more. We're being hunted." Arthur poured out. 

"We are smarter than them. Only the feeblest of men take jobs in the government." Dutch explained. 

"I hope so!" Arthur laughed. 

"Trust Dutch, Mr. Morgan. You have to." Molly chuckled. 

With that, Lenny, Griffin, and Quinn galloped into camp on their horses. 

"Micah!" Griffin exclaimed. 

"They got Micah!" Lenny exclaimed worriedly. 

"Dutch, Arthur!" Griffin exclaimed. The three kid dismounted and ran over to the two men. 

"What's going on?" Dutch asked calmly. 

"They got Micah!" Lenny exclaimed. 

"He-he's been arrested for murder." Quinn explained. 

"We was in Strawberry and-" Lenny was cut off by Dutch. 

"It's okay son. Breathe." Dutch calmed the almost adult boy down. 

"They almost lynched me!" Lenny exclaimed. 

"They got Micah in the sheriff's office in Strawberry. There's talk of hanging him." Griffin explained. 

"Here's hoping." Quinn said. 

"Quinn Morgan!" Dutch scolded. 

"What? That fool brought this on himself. You know my feelings about him, Dutch." Quinn said defensively. 

"You think I can't see past his bluster to the heart inside? He is a fine man." Dutch said proceeded. Quinn already knew what Dutch wanted. 

"No, I ain't saving that fool!" Quinn argued. 

"I can't go! My face will be all over West Elizabeth. I am asking. He would do it for you." Dutch persuaded. 

"No, I don't think he would, but fine!" Quinn scoffed. 

"Quinny..." Dutch said. Quinn shook her head and sat at a picnic table next to Lenny and Griffin. 

"Kids, you okay?" Arthur asked. They all nodded. Griffin said a quick goodbye and headed over to his mother. 

"Lenny, are you okay?" Quinn asked. 

"Yeah, of course I'm okay." Lenny assured. 

"Really? You don't seem okay." Arthur said. 

"You take those kids into town. Valentine, not Strawberry. Get him drunk, get her pampered. And Arthur, no crazy business." Dutch said. 

"I've given that up." Arthur nodded. 

"And Quinn, you get Micah out of that jail." Dutch commanded. Quinn sighed and nodded reluctantly. 

"Come on kids." Arthur said. 

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