S2E3: Paying a Social Call

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The next morning, Quinn approached Kieran, who wouldn't shut up. 

"You got some speaking to do of your own. About that old gang of yours." Quinn threatened. 

"I said, I told you, I don't know nothing." Kieran begged. 

"That's what I thought." Quinn sighed. 

Before Quinn could leave, she watched as her father, Dutch, and Bill walked over. 

"Now hold your horses there! It seems the cat got our friend here's tongue. I was thinking Mr. Williamson and Mr. Morgan here could have a word." Dutch said. Bill and Arthur stepped forward. 

"You ready to talk boy?" Bill asked angrily. 

"I already told you mister, I told all of you. I don't know nothing okay? They-they ain't no friends of mine. I just been ridden with them for a while." Kieran cried. 

"Horseshit!" Bill exclaimed. 

"You see, we've heard that part. So how about you tell the truth?" Arthur said threateningly. 

"Dutch, what do you want me to do?" Bill asked. 

"Hurt him! So the next time he open's his mouth, it is to tell us what is going on!" Dutch exclaimed. Bill went to punch the boy, he flinched away. Dutch stopped Bill. "Ah, who am I kidding? One of O'Driscoll's boys couldn't open his mouth, but he'd tell a lie. Screw it. Let's just have some fun. Geld him." Dutch said. The mans eyes went wide with fear. 

"Hell yeah!" Bill exclaimed. Quinn walked over to John as she knew she didn't want to see that. 

"Hey uncle John." She greeted. 

"Hey kiddo. What's up?" He asked. 

"They're gelding Kieran." Quinn said. 

"Huh. Wasn't the answer I was expecting." John said. They sat down in the Marston tent and listened to the commotion outside. 

"Oh, don't worry, they're only balls boy!" Dutch's muffled exclamation came. 

"You sick bastards!" Kieran was heard screaming. 

"Well, you are gonna talk. The only question is now or after we got these little fellers off?" Arthur's muffled voice asked. 


A few minutes later Arthur opened the fold of John's tent. 

"You two, come here. O'Driscoll's taking us to Colm." Arthur said. 

They walked out to see Bill holding Kieran. 

They all mounted up except Arthur who made Kieran mount up behind John. 

"Where we heading?" Quinn asked. 

"Up into the hills behind Valentine. I'll show you." Kieran said nervously. 

"John, you take the little rattlesnake with you. Any nonsense, kill him." Arthur commanded. John nodded. 

"He taking us to Colm?" John asked. 

"That's what he says. Come on!" Arthur exclaimed, mounting his horse. 


After about a half an hour ride, the group came to a clearing. They dismounted and grabbed their weapons. Quinn put her shotgun in its holster, her rifle over her shoulder, and she grabbed the throwing knives that Bill gave her for her last birthday. 

They all walked towards the hill above the clearing, John and Arthur watching Kieran like a hawk. 

"The cabin's just over the ridge down there." Kieran explained. They all bent down on the ridge and looked at the cabin. "There'll be a bunch of fellers hiding out down there too." 

"Are these fellers armed?" Quinn asked. 

"Armed. Drunk. Wary of strangers. Yup." Kieran answered. 

"And Colm O'Driscoll?" Quinn asked. 

"He'll be holed up in his cabin. Be passed out, booze blind, likely as not." Kieran explained. Some people came closer and complained about how they didn't find anything and that Colm would be mad. 

As soon as they started talking, John covered Kieran's mouth and put a gun to his head. 

"What are we doing about the pisser Morgan? One by the tree?" Bill asked. 

"I'll deal with this first feller." Arthur said. He snuck down to the man by the tree and stealth killed him. 

Eventually, John fired a shot when he was in a tough position and the gun fight was in full swing. 

About 10 minutes later and the O'Driscoll's were all dead. 

"He said Colm would be in the cabin." John said. 

"I'll check. You guys check out here." Quinn said as she made her way towards the cabin. 

Before she could open the cabin door, it burst open her, hitting her in the head, causing her to fall to the porch. The remaining O'Driscoll pulled a gun out and almost pulled the trigger until a bullet hit him. Quinn looked up in surprise to see Kieran holding a gun. 

"You alright?" He asked. 

"Sure, thank you." Quinn said thankfully. 

She stood up and made sure no one else was around before holstering her gun. 

After making sure his daughter was okay, Arthur barged into the cabin and looked around. 

"Colm O'Driscoll. He ain't here. You set us up." Arthur said angrily. 

"What?" Kieran asked. 

"You set us up!" Arthur yelled. 

"No I didn't." Kieran begged. 

"Yes you did, Colm O'Driscoll ain't here!" Arthur yelled, pulling a gun to his head. 

"Dad stop!" Quinn exclaimed. 

"If I was setting you up, I-I w-wouldn't have saved your daughter's life!" Kieran cried. 

"He has a point Arthur." Bill said. 

Arthur sighed and holstered his gun. 

"Alright then, go on, get out of here." Arthur said. 

"What?" Kieran asked. 

"I won't kill ya." Arthur said. 

"But I didn't set you up." Kieran said. 

"Get lost." Arthur said. 

"Get lost?" Kieran asked. 

"I'm letting you run away, now go on! Get out of here 'fore I change my mind!" Arthur exclaimed. 

"That's as good as killing me! Out there, without you. Colm O'Driscoll's gonna lose his mind about this!" Kieran begged. 

"So?" Arthur asked. 

"So I'm one of you now." Kieran stated. Arthur sighed. 

"Give me a break." He muttered. 

"Dad." Quinn scolded. He sighed again. 

"Alright then. But I'm warning you." Arthur said. 

"Oh I know!" Kieran said. 

"Come on, let's get to camp." Quinn said. 

"So you got the cash then?" Kieran asked. 

"Cash? What cash?" John asked. 

"Yeah, there's usually some cash, in the chimney." Kieran went to run into the cabin. 

"I'll check it!" Arthur exclaimed, stopping the man. 

"I will check it. Get to camp boys. All of you." Quinn said. She walked into the cabin and looted the place. She got the cash from the chimney before heading back to camp. 

She couldn't wait to tell Griffin all about her run in with the O'Driscoll's. 

Oh no. What had her mind gone to? 

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