xxv | believe me, i'm lying

Start from the beginning

"'Hey guys'? That's what we get when you fucking miss a day to hang out with a whore?" Free asked, her eyebrows raised. "How distastefully avant-garde of you."

Lennon's smile faded and she dropped his hand as soon as Free said those words and she averted her eyes.

"Free, shut the fuck up," Calvin, Harvey and Oakley chorused in annoyance.

Her head snapped back as if someone slapped her and she stayed silent.

"Um, I'll sit with my other friends over there," Lennon murmured, looking down at the floor.

"Are we not good enough for you to stay here?" Free seemed to find her voice again.

Lennon had it. "No, I'd just rather not have someone constantly attacking me from across the table with biting remarks. Goodbye."

She turned to leave but Harvey grabbed her wrist. "Wait."

Shaking her head, she sent him a small smile. "I'll see you later."

She started to walk away but Harvey yanked her back into his chest and pressed his lips against hers.

She wanted to tangle her hands in his hair but he gripped her hands tightly in his own as if she was going to break free.

As he withdrew from her, he tugged her bottom lip with his teeth before releasing her hands.

Her lips were parted and out of breath before turning around and walking to her normal table in a daze.

The cafeteria seemed to buzz to life after that, and Harvey took a seat with a smirk.

"What the fuck just happened?" Oakley asked him, throwing an orange at him which he unsuccessfully avoided.

"Ow," he said, rubbing his head a bit. "What the hell was that for?"

"You disappear for a whole day, don't answer our calls or texts, and then you come back with Lennon and swap spit in the middle of the cafeteria!" Calvin told him, his voice annoyed.

"Calm down," he said, taking Oakley's slice of pizza off his tray and eating half of it in one bite.

"Where'd you take her?" Oakley asked while slapping his hand for taking her food.

"Calexico," he answered, before grabbing her Arizona bottle to take a drink but he screwed his face up in disgust as he looked at it. "I love Mucho Mango, why'd you buy half and half?"

"Oh shit, you are serious about her," she said in surprise before glaring at him. "And I don't buy Arizona thinking 'wow! Harvey's going to love this juice that I buying for myself to drink. Let me get his preference first.' Get your own. It's only a freaking dollar."

He rolled his eyes before capping it. "Yeah, I am serious about her."

"I just don't fucking get it," Free commented, breaking her silence again. "She tells you she slept with your best friend and you just accept her in one day and take her into your arms and drive her to your favorite spot and now y'all are all buddy buddy again? And you defend her, over me, one of your best friends?"

"She lied about sleeping with me," Calvin told her, shooting her a look. "Is it not obvious enough to you by now?"

"But I saw her leaving your house," she quipped, tilting her head towards him.

"And you jump to conclusions too much without analyzing anything," he spat. "Didn't anyone ever teach you not to assume things off the bat?"

"Okay, what is your fucking problem?" She questioned him with anger. "Ever since a month ago, you've not been yourself towards me. You've just been cold as hell to only me."

Calvin rolled his eyes at her and crossed his arms. "I repeatedly told you to stop bothering and attacking Lennon. I told you to stop bullying and targeting her, but you don't fucking listen. But that's when it clicked. I knew why you bothered her more than anyone else. I'm not going to say anything because I'm a good person, but as of this point I'm not sure we're good friends."

Harvey's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "What the..."

What was happening?

"Calvin," Free sputtered out in disbelief, shocked at what he was saying and choked out a laugh. "Are you high or something?"

"It's funny how when I say something that you don't like you always assume I'm high," he shook his head. "No, I'm not high. And we're not cool anymore, Farrah."

Farrah. Not Free, but Farrah.

The sound of the tiny strands holding together the rope of their friendship finally snapped into two separate and unfixable ends.

One down, three more to go.

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