Chapter sixteen

Magsimula sa umpisa

"What information do you need?" I asked, turning my attention back to the five, studying them while tucking the blade away.

The man clicked his tongue, annoyed at my useless question. "We already got everything out of them that we need. Like I said, they're your test."

Cause as much damage as possible, got it.

I asked one last question before going inside:

"Do you have any handcuffs?"


Third person POV

The door slammed open as a boy no older than fifteen was shoved harshly inside the room, falling onto his side with a loud smacking noise. The men in the cell began to smile cruelly to themselves, something that they were sure that the boy on the ground didn't know they were doing.

All of them had one thought on their minds:

This is going to be fun.

"Here, let me help you up," one of the men sneered, going to the boy and pulling harshly on his arm. It'd been a long time since he had any entertainment.

"Looks like we have a brand new plaything," one of the other men added, smiling like the Cheshire cat. He walked up along his friend, enjoying the way that the boy flinched away when he dragged the back of his hand along the boy's cheek.

The boy tried to pull away from the two of them, that was when the five prisoners heard the clinking of metal on metal. The boy was in handcuffs, something none of them had to deal with. Something that made him much easier prey.

"If this is a prize for talking, then I think we should have caved in earlier," a third man said, all but licking his lips as he joined the other two.

The boy shook in the man's grasp, seemingly too scared to move a muscle. This made the men in the room laugh.

"He can be our little freak," the fourth man said, joining the growing circle around the boy.

The first man let the boy go, knowing that he had nowhere to go. Not that there was much space in the first place, the cell was just bigger than a large bathtub.

"Freak...?" The boy whispered brokenly as he finally looked up at the men surrounding him. "I-I can be your freak show, just don't hurt m-me," the boy pleaded, his voice shaking with fear.

The men in the circle all smiled like a four headed demon.

"I like this one," the third man said.

The boy looked at him, the fear in his eyes overwhelming, but the boy still stepped towards the third man when he called him over. The boy stopped just a step or two away from the man, looking away once again.

The man opened his mouth to say something to the teen, but the sound of metal was heard instead. The noise was loud enough to draw everyone's attention away from the boy to the object laying at the boy's feet: the handcuffs.

Using this moment, the boy moved like a blur, pulling out a small blade out of nowhere and stabbing it into the man's chest in the same move. The dagger was angled carefully, piercing the heart. The man looked into the boy's eyes as he went into shock, but there was only one that he could see, but there was nothing in the eye as the teen twisted and pulled out the dagger, watching the man crumple to the ground.

"Creep," the boy cursed, all hints of fear and any other emotion gone from his voice.

Two of the other men in the circle stumbled back, away from the boy with blood dripping from his hands. The logical part of their brains told them that he was just an underweight teen with a knife, but when they looked at him, all they could see was a monster pretending to be a boy.

Bandages and Salt (PJO X BSD AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon