Chapter twenty-two

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A/N: Reminder that for this AU, abilities originate from the mutated DNA from having a demigod ancestor. 

Dazai POV

I studied the other boy, taking in the smaller teen's steely gaze as he stared back at me from his spot across the room. Those blue eyes reminded me of the ocean, relentless and forever changing. Today there was a storm in those eyes, dangerous tides known to drown men at sea. Looking at him with my own falsely brown one, I was able to read just what the other boy was thinking behind his own.

There wasn anger there, anger not only directed at me but at the teen himself as well. Anger as endless as the sea itself. But it was just being restrained by the unshakable will of its owner. It was a look telling me to keep to as normal for now, to finish the assignment, that the true showing of the shorter boy's anger would come once we were done.

Okay then, we'll do what you want, for now.

The sweet smell scenting the small subtly became stronger as we stood there together, each taking the other in. Reaching into my coat pocket swiftly as I moved closer to the other teen, I pulled out a small black gas mask from one of the deeper pockets, holding it out to Chuuya. The other teen stared at me with the same cold gaze, only a small flit of curiosity briefly taking over the boy's features.

"Knockout gas," I told the other boy in lieu of a proper explanation, shaking the mask slightly at the teen as I spoke with an emotionless voice.

He needs to put this on quickly. I don't have the physical strength to carry the weapons shipment, the supplier, and Chuuya back through the strange layout of the building.

The gas was currently being filtered through the thick curtain that created this small space, but given enough time even the filtered gas build up will be enough to knock out the other teen before long.

Chuuya grabbed the gas mask after another moment or two of waiting. The other boy put it in hesitantly, pulling the wavy hair away from the mask as he did. It wasn't long enough to pull into a ponytail quite yet, but it wasn't far off from being there.

"Grab the weapons crate and the middle man," I ordered once the other teen was situated with the mask in place, "the effect of the gas won't last much longer."

The smaller teen did as instructed without complaining, a soft red glow taking over the boy's body. My brain buzzed lightly as it always did when the other used his ability, a sense of an unknown power making itself known, of a godly power.

The vessel moved, touching the crate and the body on the floor lightly. The warm glow spread quickly to the two, consuming them just as it did the teen himself.

I started walking to the curtain, trusting the other boy to properly manage his own ability as needed. I got about half way to the curtain before something made me stop again.

"Bandage waste," a gruff voice called out, making me pause in my step. I turned to the other boy, doing a slow about face. "What about you?" Chuuya asked, pointing to the black mask on his own face. The question itself sounded like the other was concerned, but there was none of that in the other boy's tone. It was a purely self interested voice. "I'm not carrying you and this baggage all the way back, Mr. Nullification."

"Immune," I answered bluntly, turning back around to continue making my way to the velvet curtain.

"How?" Chuuya asked, the smallest note of surprise sinking into the other boy's tone.

I waved my arm passively, letting the loose sleeve of my coat flap lightly as I still refused to wear it properly. "Misadventures in suicide," I told the other teen emotionlessly, as if it would explain everything.

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