Chapter forty-four

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Dazai POV

I watched in a sense of mute fascination as the daughter of Athena mounted the pegasus that had come when she called it and took to the sky without so much as a second thought and only a barely put together plan. Watching her climbing higher and higher into the early morning sky, I was once reminded of just how other humans have always appeared to me. She was acting on emotion alone right now, something that I had stopped doing almost the moment that I met the blonde ability at the bridge.

I don't think I'll ever understand what it truly means to be human.

Though the mortal pilot seemed to be asleep, we could still hear the screams of whoever the passenger inside of the helicopter was as they spiraled to the ground. I thought that Chuuya might say something about trying to help the demigod, something that we both know is well within his realm of abilities, but time seemed to have turned the other teen callous as well to the sight. So all we did was standing in the street, gazing up at the sky as the daughter of Athena flew the Pegasus as close to the helicopter as she could force it as she grabbed at the door and flung it open, slender arms pulling the girl the rest of the way in as the pegasus flew back to the ground.

The aircraft continued to plummet to the ground, showing no true signs of stopping in time even after Chase had taken over the situation. Something akin to boredom had settled in my chest as we watched the helicopter continue to careen straight for one of the taller buildings of the city, but it was quickly replaced but a small jolt of surprise as the helicopter groaned and righted itself only a mere moment before disaster struck, replacing the dangerous decent with a slow pace back to the ground.

When the helicopter landed and the side door opened to reveal the inhabitants inside of it, it wasn't the fact that Chase was at the wheel that surprised me, that I had figured out on my own, but the pale redhead that emerged, pulling a sleeping pilot from the aircraft.

The mystery girl was dressed as if for a beach vacation in a T-shirt and sandals. Nothing suited for her being of any physical help to the war unless we were planning on using the mortal as bait, but that seemed a little too barbaric for what Chiron would allow, though the boss was a different story.

Chuuya looked at me with a curious gaze, but I only shrugged my shoulders. "She must have shown up after I left," I whispered, leaning down so that only the other teen would hear me as there were still a few others around.

Turning my head, I glanced at the medical area that the Apollo chin had set up while the other mobile demigods were creating the perimeter and wondered if they would even let me do anything if I were to go over there and offer to help, or if I should just skip straight to trying to sleep some more before the first 'nasty surprise'.

However a third choice was created for me as the blonde demigod waved Chuuya and I over to her and the red haired girl at her side. Chibi and I glanced at one another but we both knew that we didn't have a good excuse not to go other than just basic blatant disregard, so we walked over slowly and they met the pair of us close to half way. When we were walking I could see Chiron coming over to the four of us as well, a look of interest on his face that made me bleating wonder just who the mortal was, especially since she hadn't fallen asleep like the pilot that'd come with her.

"I've been seeing things," the girl was saying to Chase as we walked over. She sounded confused and if not a little distressed, like someone that believed that they were going crazy. "And I've been drawing pictures and writing lines in-"

"In Ancient Greek," Chase finished as if she had already known all of this. Maybe she did, with the way that visions occur in this world, it's likely that she could have been dreaming about the mortal all week.

Bandages and Salt (PJO X BSD AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz