Chapter Four (The truth)

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I woke up to the sound of my cell phone ringing on my nightstand,

it was Windsor, i answer it,

"Grey we have a problem, we found the senator" said Windsor

"what's the problem" i asked confusedly

"he's dead, his wife found him in the entrance of his house, meet me there in 10 minutes" said windsor while hanging up the phone

I got up, took a shower and got ready. I was running late, I went down stairs, grabbed my car and drove to the senator's house.

It was a mess when I got there, the police were there, the criminologist, ambulances, and my team.

i walked towards windsor who was standing next to the body, i looked at the body, his face was purple and his mouth was opened, like he was screaming

"What happened to him?" i asked windsor with a serious tone

"looks like asphyxiation" said Windsor

I bent down to look closer at the senator's face, his eyes were red, he had yellow stains in his face, it also looked like his skin was burned in some areas.

I stood up and saw jackson walk toward me

"Did you talk to the criminologist?" i asked Jackson 

 "yeah, he had a toxic gas in his system, it made all of his body blaze, basically he was burned inside out" said Jackson

"I have a lead on the case, but i'm not 100% sure i have to see batman, he knows something, but first i need to talk to Bruce Wayne, don't say anything to Windsor yet, let me do this first" i said to jackson as we walked to my car.

"Call me if you need anything" said jackson

I drove to Wayne's mansion. It was 15 minutes away from the city. I wasn't so excited but I knew he had some information. When I got there I rang the bell and a man in a suit opened the door.

"oh miss Grey, we weren't expecting you this early, come in" said the man

"Sorry?" i asked confused

"I'm so sorry, im alfred pennyworth family friend of the Wayne's" said alfred

I was still confused. Then I heard Bruce's voice.

"Hi Elizabeth, we were expecting you anytime," said Bruce while walking towards me.

he grabbed my hips and kissed me on the cheek

"how did you know i was coming?" i asked confused while backing up a bit

"Well, I left you with a bit of suspense and unanswered questions, right? come with me" said Bruce while walking to the living room.

We got to the living room. It was really nice. There were lots of windows, a small bar, bookshelves and a chiminea. On top of the chiminea there was a big painting of him and his parents.

I was there for one reason, i wanted to know if he was hiding something, well that's what it felt like, he was the last one to see joe crane, he knows batman wich he told me he's alive, and he said he has more information, i know somethings wrong,

"Do you want something to drink?" asked Bruce

"No thanks i'm good" i said

I sat down on the sofa and he sat down at the other end. We started talking about what happened with the senator and Joe Crane.

"That night i got a call from him, he told me he needed to talk, when i got to his office he looked preoccupied, he kept talking about someone called vladimir, he said he was working with him but he didn't agree in his evil plan, he said he wanted to destroy gotham, he told me they got into a fight, he didn't want to do harm to anyone, but he thought vladimir was going to do something bad to him. we couldn't talk more, he told me he needed to go do something important, so i left" said bruce

"Why didn't you tell the police?" i asked

I was trying to figure out what he was saying in every detail, it didn't make sense. Maybe the person batman saw at the ball was not crane, they did the dna tests it said it was joe cranes body.

"I did, i told the police chief" said bruce

"Why didn't they say anything, we don't have that information ?" i asked confused

"Stay out of it, it's dangerous" said Bruce

"it's my job" i said raising my voice 

  "Maybe it just sounds crazy that HE IS ALIVE when they already told you he's dead, vladimir probably killed him, there you go case closed " said bruce raising his voice even more.


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