Amric in the bathroom pt.2

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Amric woke up to the sound of his alarm. 'Huh, thats strange, usually my alarm doesn't go off on the weekends...' He tiredly hit the snooze for a few more minutes of sweet sleep.

He woke again when his alarm went off for the second time. He summoned his scroll. His eyes shot wide open when he realized it was Monday. He ripped off the covers and hurried out of bed. Quickly putting on his uniform, he realized he felt extremely depressed when looking at himself in the mirror. The way his chest bulged made him cringe and his hips made him nauseous.

'Whatever, I'll just have to deal with it' he thought to himself.

He quickly combed through his hair and slicked it back with a little water. He grabbed his bag and went to open the door but he was greeted with two green heads.

"Where are ya going, baby bro?" Asked Edric as he stood in the doorway with his twin.

"I have to go to school, get out of my way," Amric said impatiently and grumpy.

"Nope!" Edric said popping the 'p'

"We promised you a day out and you are getting one" Emira said sternly.

"But what about my grades?! I need to keep my top student badge!"

"You're so far ahead, one day off won't change anything,"

Amric sighed. He did need a day off. He hasn't had a mental health day or sick day in years. He usually would just deal with his problems or sicknesses. one time he passed out in class but practically begged the nurse to keep him in school. so the nurse made him do his work in a cot in the nurse's office.

Amric weighed his options. There wouldn't be any quizzes or tests today, but Luc might be concerned where he would be. Then again, he could just play it off as a healers appointment or something. Finally he gave in.

"Alright, fine. Let me change at least. I hate this tight uniform,"

Amric went back into his room and put on some sweat pants and an oversized hand-me-down hoodie from Edric.

"Alright, I'm ready to go," He said walking out of his room.

The three of them made their way downstairs. Their parents were on a business trip for the week, so they didn't have to worry about skipping a bit of school.

"We'll get breakfast on the way to the market. How about...donuts?" Asked Edric.

"Um sure, I guess," responded Amric. He didn't really feel like eating but he could just get something small.

The three boarded Emiras staff so they could fly to the market. Once they got to the donut shop, Amric ordered a small glazed donut while the twins got large strawberry donuts with filling.

"You sure you don't want at least a medium? That's like a kid's size." Commented Emira.

Amric felt his anxiety spike a little.

"Uhhhh I'm just not very hungry, i had a lot of snacks after school yesterday." He lied

"Ok..." Said Edric, not fully convinced.

After they had eaten, they flew to the market. They first stopped at "George's Gender-affirming store" to try on some binders and other products

They stepped into the store and was greeted by a dude with a gnarly looking beard, ear piercings and copper hair.

"Hey there, I'm George, how may I help yall today?" Asked the man.

"our brother, Amric, here, just came out to us and he doesn't have anything to help his dysphoria," explained Edric.

(DISCONTINUED) Transmasc Amity and Lumity OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now