the only exception💕

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during their lunchtime, minho, chan, and hyunjin were sat on the first row of the currently empty bleachers as they lounged about in the sun.

as a certain someone walking on the opposite side of the wide grass area caught his attention, chan laughed and lightly nudged minho's leg.

"i see jihoon is making sure to stay fifty feet away from you after what happened yesterday."

minho let out an unimpressed groan as he swatted chan's hand away by kicking his leg up.

the day before, minho had watched jihoon attempt to torment a student who was doing nothing but trying his best to get into his own locker before class.

as minho had yanked jihoon away and started his usual act of intimidation, he hadn't realised that he'd also somehow intimidated the student he was trying to help.

however, this wasn't an unusual occurrence, and by no means was minho unaware of his reputation in school.

nearly everyone was afraid to get on his bad side, terrified to even look at him wrong.

so, minho could understand why there was such a stigma around him.

after all, he couldn't deny often getting into fights or holding a cold and seemingly unapproachable glare as he walked around campus.

"shut up." minho mumbled as he slowly sat up, bored of lying down.

"i also see namhyuk is still terrified to be anywhere near you." hyunjin raised his eyebrows, "i reckon picking jihoon up by his collar and slamming him into the opposite lockers might have had something to do with namhyuk being scared to thank you for helping him."

"leave it." minho pressed his hands to his face as he tried to adjust to the bright light now he'd opened his eyes. "and i didn't slam him i just...well okay i might have gone slightly overboard, but you can't deny the guy deserved it."

"he deserved it." chan agreed. "but what is that? third guy this week and it's only wednesday?"

"one a day!" hyunjin smirked.

"i'm not keeping tally, hyunjin." minho scoffed. "unless someone deserves it i'm not gonna hurt-"

minho's words came to a halt as a stray football hit the side of his head.

immediately minho grabbed the football from the ground and jumped to a stand, his eyebrows furrowed as he angrily looked around the open field to see who the culprit was.

he took a step off of the bleachers to near the edge of the field before he heard footsteps approaching him.

as he turned in the direction, his heart jumped at seeing none other than han jisung.

jisung slowed down his jog as he held an apologetic smile.

"minho, i'm so sorry." he sighed as he lifted a hand to his head while laughing. "i was trying to hit one of my teammates but he ducked down and i completely underestimated how hard i'd kicked it."

"it's okay." minho mumbled as he cleared his throat and looked down at the ground.

jisung tsked and took a step closer.

minho tried not to react as jisung slowly brought a finger under his chin and lifted it up slightly to get a look over his face.

"you sure?" jisung questioned with a small smile, he moved his hand to lightly pat minho's hair as he noticed where the ball had hit him.

"...m'sure." minho sheepishly nodded, trying not to sigh in relief as jisung had retracted his hand.

he realised he still had the football in his hands and lifted it up to jisung as he tried his best to hold eye contact.

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