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there was to be a staff party held this evening at the mansion of millionaire lee minho.

it was a party in honour of the hard working staff minho had employed at his residence, stemming from the culinary workers and maids right up to his personal secretaries.

every year, the ceo would hold these grand parties and make sure everyone was having a good time.

however, in the past year minho had met someone that changed his outlook on life entirely.

and so, the only person minho wanted to please tonight was his boyfriend, han jisung.


the time was now nearing six.

jisung had perfected his hair and was currently stood at his mirror, fixing one of his tiara style earrings that had been a present from the ceo.

a smile plastered his face once it were set as he let his eyes trail his outfit.

skin tight black jeans with a white chiffon shirt.

though it could be considered plain, jisung always had a knack for pairing the perfect accessories and knew it was satisfactory enough for the garden party.


with his back to the door, jisung hadn't heard minho approach his bedroom.

he moved his attention off of himself to move his eyes to his boyfriend, sending him a smile in the mirror before turning around to face the older.

"do i look that good?" jisung teased, though smirked as he took in minho's outfit.

minho was wearing a navy blue suit, his white shirt covered by a matching colour waistcoat as his jacket rested over his arms.

"i wasn't sure if i looked formal enough." jisung turned back to his mirror, lifting the second earring up to his ear.

minho shook his head at himself as he walked over to the mirror and rested his hands on his boyfriend's hips.

"you look perfect."

jisung slowly backed up his body, letting the gap between them close as he felt minho nose against his neck.

"there can be none of this behaviour when we get down there, princess." minho spoke lowly, teasingly kissing his boyfriend's skin.

jisung whimpered, struggling to secure the back of his earring at the distraction of minho's lips on his skin.

minho slowly lifted his head from jisung's neck and turned the boy around in his arms once he'd made sure jisung had finished his action.

"you really love those earrings, don't you?" he placed a finger at the back as he looked over them with a fond smile.

"i love the person who gave me them." jisung teased, knowing the effect the choice of words had on his boyfriend.

"come on then, my love. all the staff are already outside, i just wanted to come and get you."

jisung nodded at his words, giving himself one last look in the mirror before smiling.

"let's go!"

the pair walked outside into the garden, the younger immediately in awe of all the decorations.

there were more fairy lights than usual, the drinks bar was now in full use, and many people jisung had never seen before were in lively conversation with each other.

"not everyone in attendance lives here, right?" jisung quietly asked, slightly embarrassed if he should have recognised more people.

minho squeezed his shoulder lightly as he chuckled.

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