Chapter Twelve

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(Loki's Pov)

"Stark, please use your brain for just a moment." Y/N spoke out against the glorified Tin Can, letting free into the air exactly what had happened. She didn't notice as she spoke how the others slowly turned against the great Iron Man, realising what had occurred to incite such a shopping spree in the first place. He wanted nothing more than to be rid of the trickster god, yet Y/N had made sure that the prince had enjoyed his trip around Midgard.

Not that Loki would dare ever admit that. Although his facade slipped during dessert, and perhaps a touch through the numerous book stores, he did try to maintain his integrity.

But the more time he spent on Earth, the more Loki realised no one cared if he had a stone heart or was an open book. Not really. They shrugged off his solitude for being an asshole and nothing more. He supposed such an assumption might have been of his own doing... But the point remains. He would always be treated as a villain until there was hard, concrete proof otherwise.

"I'm going to read." Y/N's announcement shook him out of his stupor. Loki looked toward the disappearing witchling, dreading facing the inevitable interrogation alone.

She was strange, this Y/N. She seemed to know him somehow, despite Loki making no connections. She never showed in his hazy memories of the New York attack, nor of any other time in his life. He settled the matter assuming the Avengers must have informed her about his war on the planet. But if so, why would she make such an effort to befriend him? Why would she give any more craps about him than the rest of this magicless world?

So maybe it was these actions, or maybe it was the fear of interrogation, or maybe it was how his curiosity had still not settled that led the words to leap from his mouth. "I'll join you."

And that's how Loki ended up following Y/N out of the room, back to their own floor, as they sorted through books in his bedroom.

"This yours or mine?" She picked up a volume, one that most definitely was hers. He had little interest in Mycology, whatever the hel that was. Something to do with mushrooms.

But in the bookstore, Loki had had a fit of mischief to say he was indeed interested in that book as well. Just to play around.

He never expected her to buy it.

"Yours." He laughed, as Y/N sat back on her heels. Loki paused his actions of sorting through the piles to glance up, finding a smug expression on her face. "What?"

"Just how much were you messing with me? I honest to god thought this was of interest to you."

Loki smirked. "I'm not interested in the mortal sciences." Of course, 'mortal sciences' meant the sciences created by mortals refusing to acknowledge magic, and not the active science of mortality. But Y/N didn't know this, and started laughing. "What is so funny?"

"I don't believe you."

She didn't believe his own preference? What kind of Midgardian was this? "That's not for you to decide."

"It actually is." She scrunched up her nose, a mannerism that made him smile inwardly. Her questions were infuriating at times, but she was... cute, to say the least. After showing up at his door in her nightgown, he could only say as much. "I can decide my own opinions about your opinions."

"Then do keep your opinions to yourself." Loki muttered under his breath, sure she couldn't hear him. If she did, Y/N acted as if nothing had happened, sifting through more of the 'paper children'. As she so fondly referred to the books scattered about the floor. The other things they bought were neatly tucked away for the time being, an offer for her assistance surrounding the bags.

A Love For Eternity (LokixReader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें