Chapter Four

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(Nick Fury's Pov)


Fury looked up from his paperwork, spotting the shadow outside his door. Maria Hill, one of Shield's best agents. "Yes?"

"I have the reports you requested." She kept a neat face, setting the folders on the edge of his desk. Always the serious one, but he would have it no other way. In this day and age, there was sparse time for unnecessary niceties. Director Fury collected the papers, sparing a glance her way. What was she waiting for?

"Is that all?"

She hesitated. "I just have a hunch."

A hunch? "About what?"

"A potential candidate, sir." She gestured to the top file, consisting of a list of many accused superhuman cases. Ever since the Avengers appeared to the public, more and more reports of powerful humans came through his office. "Number 26."

"Enhanced healing," He recited as he flipped open the top cover. "Early 20's, female, found injured after washing up on the coast." He looked over the rest of her report, growing more and more cautious. Finding her last known statement: 'What year is it?' "This is your hunch? A healer?"

Hill nodded. "Not a healer, Nick. An immortal."

Well, now this is interesting.


(Your Pov)

"Do you know where you are?" A voice sounded, as you slowly came into consciousness. Your eyes peeked open to see a man across the room, sitting in a chair of painted wood. Well, that's what you wanted to assume it was, anyway. The smooth surface almost held a stone-like quality. Not quite wood, not quite stone. "Can you hear me?"

Your eyes meet his own, as they become adjusted to the light. The room was filled with it, and yet it wasn't sunlight. Nor the soft glow like any oil lamp you've seen. "Now I can hear you." you sit up slowly in bed, noting the small sting from your scars. They should disappear by the end of the month, a small price to pay to be able to walk again. "Where am I?"

"In 2013, for starters. But you should know that." He looked at you with such an intensity you had half a mind to fear him. But he was mortal, and you could detect no magic from him. It was useless to fear him. There was nothing he could do to you. But his words held an underlying meaning that brought up doubt. Did he know? How? You'd been so careful. And quite frankly, you didn't want to die again. "You are currently in a private hospital in an undisclosed location."

A what? He took one look at your face, and readjusted himself. "We're here to help you."

Ah, well, that much you could understand. "Thank you for your service, then. But I really must be going."

"Not yet." In two steps he was beside the bed, staring you down. "We have questions."

You look up defyingly. "So do I, but I must admit that I am doubtful about your allegiance. So, I'll be going."

"No, you won't be." He sighed, "It is not wise for someone in your position to be wandering the streets. Now, who are you?"

Someone in your... What, did he just assume he knew everything? You sighed, "I am someone who knows how to handle myself."

"That's not a name." He crossed his arms, a motion you weren't used to. It was strange, and you couldn't help but wonder how much had changed in 300 plus years.

Holy shit. 300 years. That... So much would've happened. Everything would've changed.

"Tiffany. Sara. Daphne. Elizabeth. Hera. Take your pick." you roll your eyes, sitting up to the edge of your bed. But before anything happened, you heard a small beep from the man. Well, from the box in his hand, anyway. "Now if you will answer my question... who are you?"

"Not someone you want to mess with." His eyes practically popped out of his head as he said the words, a mannerism you found humorous. "Miss, I would like to offer you a position in my company-"

"If you think I'm marrying you, you have another thing coming." You blurt out, startling him. It's the only logical conclusion to his words. Or, the conclusion you assumed, anyway.

"I want to offer you a job. No attachments necessary." He huffed, looking put upon.

A job? It would be helpful if you had some kind of income, but most female positions consisted of home/maid work or something to do with clothes. "Doing what?"

"Do you know anything about fighting?"

Oh. Well, that's much better than maid work.


(Your Pov)

Well the Avengers were a real interesting band of warriors, to say the least. Tony Stark was a billionaire robot, Bruce Banner was the modern day monster, Natasha Romanoff was a spy, and Steve Rogers was a frozen soldier. The only one with a job you could sort of recognize was Clint Barton, who was supposedly the world's best archer.

The thought that you'd be living with these strangers was frightening, but Nick reassured you time and time again that everything would be alright. After your awakening, you spent some time learning the basics of the future with Shield. Modern history, basic technology, even some common references. During this time you were slowly introduced to the members of the Avengers, namely the ones whom Shield approved of. Natasha, Clint, and Steve. Bruce stopped by occasionally to say hi, but it seemed the helicarrier was not his favorite place to be. Tony tried every way he knew how to stay and mess with the director, a sure way to get him banished.

You did hear about the other member, occasionally. Thor. The big blond with a hammer, currently stationed in Asgard.

The name held a familiar ring, but it wasn't until you reviewed the events of New York did you understand. And he was old now. He had grown up.

Damn it. Not even the gods were immortal.

In exchange for safety, information, boarding, and a career as a superhero, you spilled little bits of information. Not everything, but enough so these mortals could trust you. How you were cursed in 136 B.C., and how you've been a fairly harmless traveller ever since. And how you never aged, and could never permanently die.

And your magic. Magic was probably why they hired you in the first place.

By the time your wounds were healed, you had learned enough to move out of the Shield H.Q. and into the Avengers tower. Your missions would be plentiful, and you allowed yourself to be excited. Fighting as warriors do? Using magic freely? Not having to lie about being immortal?

It sounded like a dream come true.

A Love For Eternity (LokixReader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang