Creatures of the Night

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Christine's POV

I threw my head back in frustration, letting out yet another groan to signal my boredom as we sat atop lookout point waiting for the full moon to be over. Feeling the look of disapproval burning into me I lifted my head to look at Stiles, "I can feel the look you're giving me Stiles and it's not going to change the fact that I am so incredibly bored right now." The brunette boy turned away ignoring my statement and continuing whatever he was doing with Scott. My boredom reached a new low so I decided to walk over to the beta chained to the tree. "So Liam did you miss me?" With evident annoyance in his baby blue eyes, Liam just looked at me scowling. I couldn't control the laugh that slipped from lips as I ruffled his hair. Returning to where Scott and Stiles stood I decided enough was enough, "Look you guys have fun out here doing whatever but I'm heading to the school, I cannot stand another second up here doing nothing." Scott nodded, "Sorry we dragged you out here Chris. We'll meet you at the school later." I nodded once before walking over to my 4x4, climbed into the drivers side and drove away preparing for the senior scribe.

My car pulled to a stop in the spot that used to be the self proclaimed spot of one, Jackson Whittemore. Before leaving the vehicle I decided to make a call only for the call to go straight to voicemail, "Hey Dad, it's me. I just wanted to call and check in see how the search for Kate is going? Tonight is the senior scribe and honestly I'm kind of feeling a little lost. I always thought I'd be doing this with her. With Allison. It has been 8 months and still it hurts that she isn't here but it's not just her. I miss Mom. We had a rocky relationship but she was still my mother. I guess I just wanted to hear your voice, remind myself that even thought they're gone I'm not totally alone. I love you Dad." I cut off the call and dropped the phone onto my passenger seat resting my head against my steering wheel as a solitary tear slipped down my cheek. Pulling my head away from the wheel I sat up wiping my face and breathing deeply. Well let's get tonight over with. I grabbed my phone and climbed out of my car walking towards the place we'd all arranged to meet up. 

When I looked around I realised I was the only one there so I called Stiles who informed me that the others were at the hospital and Scott was on his way to grab Kira since there had been an accident. I stood around in the rain relishing the feeling of the water hitting my skin. I'd always loved rain. That's where I differed from my twin sister. She loved the sun and the daytime whereas I was the exact opposite, I loved the rain and the moon. It felt like something touched my shoulder but when I turned there was nothing there. A smile graced my lips as I thought about the sentiment that Allison was right here with me almost as though she knew how much I needed her. "I miss you Alli," I smiled at the stars. My mind wandered for I don't know how long until I heard a roar. 

I raced back to my car as fast as my legs would possibly carry me. Opening it hurriedly I grabbed a shotgun and a 45 from the hidden compartment before racing off with them only just closing the car but not locking it. When I reached the underpass I saw that Scott and Kira had been thrown across the tunnel and a stranger was now fighting with another creature. This creature had blue claws. "Get down!" I screamed as I cocked back the shotgun aiming it towards the creature who had just thrown the stranger to the floor. I sent 5 of the 8 rounds in the shotgun at the creature who seemed completely unphased by any of the hits. Growing frustrated I dropped the shotgun and pulled the 45 aiming away from the crestures torso and shooting towards it's head as it stalked towards me. "God could you stop moving, it is really inconvenient." The creature smacked the gun from my hands and went to swipe at me again, I dodged the swipe just barely avoiding being hit in the head. Reaching into my boots I grabbed two daggers and thrust them upwards into the creatures stomach pushing them deep before yanking them out as I was sent flying across the tunnel and into the stranger by a kick. Letting go of the knives I clutched at my torso as I dragged my way across the floor towards my guns. I felt my hand my contact with the barrel of the 45 and I turned it to point at the creature who was once again locked in a battle with Scott. Things looked to be in favour of the true alpha until blue claws dug their way into his torso. Scott fell to his knees with the creatures claws still inside him. I pulled the trigger of the 45 sending bullets flying towards the threat as Stiles came round the corner with Malia and a roaring Liam. The stranger on the floor next to me growled as he sat up looking at the conflict. Kira pulled me to my feet and I was prepared to fight again until Scott's expression changed. With his pack surrounding him he'd found the strength to stand again and push back against the creature. By breaking his arm Scott got the creature to let go of him and fall to his knees. Talons were thrown to the floor as Scott pulled them from his chest looking down at the man in front of him. "I don't know who you are or what you thought you going to do but I'll give you a choice. You can stay and I'll break something else, or you can run." With the warning given to the creature by Scott, Stiles spoke up next with a suggestion, "I'd run." I stepped forward with a warning of my own. "You come back for Scott after you leave here tonight and I swear I will put a bullet right through your skull." Growling in pain the creature stood and ran away into the pouring rain. 

I walked over to Scott with Kira before joining the other near the stairs. Malia pulled up my shirt to look at my stomach, "You're okay, right?" She asked concern filling her voice. "I'm fine Mal, really." She hugged me and released me before we all turned to look at the stranger who'd fought beside us. "You don't remember me do you?" He looked up as he spoke and I swear for a split second my heart stopped. Holy shit he is hot. I shook away the thought wondering what the hell was wrong with me as he continued to speak, " I guess I look a little different since the 4th grade." A sudden look of realisation took over Scott's face as he spoke, "Theo?" I noticed that Stiles was looking at Theo sceptically as Malia questioned Scott, "You know him?" Before Scott had the chance to answer Malia, Theo jumped in with his own response, "They used to." A brief silence took over the group and I looked Theo up and down really taking in his appearance when he started to speak again, "Trust me, I never thought I'd see you guys again. A couple of months ago I heard of an alpha in Beacon Hills. When I found out his name was Scott McCall, just couldn't believe it. Not just an alpha, but a true alpha." I stepped forward and spoke up asking what everyone else was thinking, "What do you want?" He sent a small smile towards me before turning his attention to Scott, "I came back to Beacon Hills, back home with my family, because I want to be a part of your pack." Nobody knew what to say and so I spoke up for the group again, "Look we've got somewhere to be and after what just happened here I think Scott could use a break before he invites some new guy into his pack." Theo nodded, "I get it. I'm coming back to the school for my senior year anyway so there's no rush. I'll see you guys at school." Theo turned and walked away from the group leaving us alone. "I got to take these back to my car, I'll meet you guys inside okay." I told the group as I picked up my weapons to put away before anyone else saw. They all nodded and headed inside the school. 

Opening the boot of my car I heard a voice behind me as I returned my weapons to their hiding place, "You know that was pretty impressive what you did back there." I turned around seeing that Theo was still here and had not in fact left as we first thought. "Yeah well I was raised by a family of hunters, been training since I accidentally found out about the supernatural when I was 10." I saw an impressed look cross his face, "I never caught your name by the way." Theo responded. "It's Christine. Christine Argent, most people just call me Chris though." He offered his hand out which I shook as he responded, "Theodore Raeken but as you saw people just call me Theo." I smiled at him as I turned back to putting my weapons away. I closed the boot of the car before turning back around. "Well, it was nice meeting you Theo but I have to go, we've got this senior scribe thing and as much as she loves me Malia might just hit me if I don't go. You're joining the school though right, so maybe we could get to know each other. I'm alwasy open to meeting new friends." He smiled as he replied, "Yeah of course, it was nice meeting you too. I'll see you tomorrow then I guess." He turned and walked away towards this amazing blue Toyota tundra, getting in and driving away. Realising how long I'd been gone I locked my car and ran towards the school. 

When I made it to the group Malia threw herself at me in a hug, "I made it Chris. I'm a senior." I hugged the girl back just as tight as she hugged me smiling with pride, "Oh my god Mal I knew you could do it." Together we stood in a queue in the library waiting to take ceremonial step closer to our future by writing our initials on a bookshelf in the school. First up was Stiles, followed by Lydia, then a very sceptical Kira, "This isn't vandalism, is it?" Lydia shrugged her shoulders, "Not technically." Kira looked a little worried as she added her initials before handing the pen over to Malia. Since discovering her father is actually Peter Hale last year Malia had been struggling so after she wrote her first initial she paused. After a second she smiled and wrote a T instead of an H. Smiling proudly Malia passed the pen to Scott. He wrote his own initials quickly before turning to look at me, knowing what he was thinking I sent him a small smile and nodded. Underneath his own he added an A.A for my sister. He passed me the pen and i stepped up to the shelf as the group spoke behind me. "She would've been with us," Stiles stated nodding. Scott replied with a simple, "Yeah." But it was Lydia's words that made me proud, "She still is." Even now the group carry my sister with them. I let a small sad smile appear on my face as I wrote C.A.A and handed the pen to the guy behind me. Stiles and Lydia gave me a hug from each side as they saw my face and we left the library together enjoying this moment of normalcy before whatever was to come.

My Enemy // Theo RaekenΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα