got sad again

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it comes to me soft
next to you,
by the fountain
my cotton heart
your inky black eyes
the hotels
dim lights, artificial scents, cold air
it's you at every turn
in the dark the city feels sultry
the weight of my want
i close my eyes
i revel
what's one more night of wasted youth
i don't know i don't know
i've made you into art
immortalized you, mystified you
i don't even know you anymore
other times
the market in front of the church
the swaying green trees beside
the baby blue car
downhill walk to the beach
baby, the word i reserve for you,
secretly, only i know
i wonder
if you know
i think you do but you draw a shroud over your eyes
and i am curtained out, purdah
i used to say i needed to purge you
but i say a lot of things, and they go nowhere most of the time
sweet like ichor,
godly, deathly, golden, horrifying
so lovely, dear girl, dear god
harpsichord and green trees
the lines on your soft palms
i have nothing left to say

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