Eternal flame (What happened?)

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"I look like Harley Quinn..." I looked at myself and tried to calm down but my appearance didn't change "Ok, maybe it's tied to my emotions or my powers are all conglomerating at once which is overflowing...Gonna have to deal with it 'til my body gets readjusted to how powerful I am."

'So red hair for Crimson ruler, golden locks for Lion heart, blue ends for Sea witch, sharp orange eye for Charming genie and purple clock eye for intemporal queen'

"Meow, meow, meow, meow mew meow!" Kris said "Kingdom, glory, victory, foundation and understanding!"

"That's right, Kris. You're a smart one." Kris is connected to me and only I can understand it.

I went back to unsummoning my clock and- "Holy f*ck! Holy f*ck! Holy f*ck!" I screamed and leaned on the clock as my clock eye started pulsating and bleeding more 'Okay...No unsummoning. More like...moving it maybe'

I stood straight again and looked at the clock as my reflection got replaced by an image 'My room?' My room from my world! I thought about going through it but I couldn't, it was just an image. I sighed "I can't leave right now anyway, not while Grim that."

I got away from it as the image changed to the outside, people were standing still, I thought it was normal until I saw a bird like frozen in the sky "Uh...No f*cking way! Damn I curse a lot...Anyway time stopped!" I summoned my original phone and checked it before slapping my forehead "Y/n, you dumbass. You didn't even check it. Time stopped ever since I left my world! And here I thought I was gonna have to find and excuse or go back in time to mask my absence. And that shows that I'm getting closer to make a portal back home! Ain't that great, Kris?"

Kris wasn't near my legs anymore "Kris?" I heard their meow and looked to see them walking away "Kris! Come back here, petit sacripant!" I made the clock levitate with me as I went after them, my eye hurting bad in the process but still better than when I tried to unsummon it.

Kris isn't stupid so they must have something to do with where they're going. I sighed once more as I passed my hands through my hair 'I want to take a bath again...' I summoned a blue and a red ribbon and put my hair in twintails 'Now I really look like Harley Quinn.'

I should look for Grim but I can see the blood through my eye so yeah, bad idea to do it alone and right now so I took my phone and called Crowley. As he answered, I immediately started "Sir! Help! Emergency! Grim!"

"Y/n Y/n Y/n. Calm down, please. What is wrong?"

I looked up and saw Kris was actually heading for the residence, I wiped off some blood from my cheek and breathed "There is something wrong with Grim, I need your help RIGHT NOW so come to my residence quickly please." I hang up before any answer. I actually care about Grim. If only I had been more vigilante around him...

I felt something wet on my cheek, my left one so I knew it wasn't because of the clock...those were just my tears and I quickly wiped them off 'No! I will not feel sad. I am going to find Grim and take better care of him this time!'

Kris stopped at the doorstep and waited for me to open the door and as I did "Y/n?"

I jumped back as I heard Deuce's voice, I looked to see him and Ace. "What? You already went out?" Ace asked before squinting his eyes at me.

I quickly covered my eye and wiped away all the blood before making glasses appear on my nose.

"Did you change your hair?" Deuce asked.

I tried to find an excuse when I realized "What are you two doing here?"

"Ha? What do you mean? You're the one that called us for help" Ace said.

Twisted wonderland x OP ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon