Welcome to the villain's world

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"Hah! Finally vacations" a h/c beauty was letting out a sigh as they got on their bed. It is Y/n, the young sensation that shook the world. They've been working on a lot of movies lately so they need a little break and it'll be the perfect occasion to finish their next book. Yes, they wrote books; though the ones they wrote are fantasy novels or were adapted in movies, this time they wish to make an autobiographic piece to talk about themselves and inspire other young persons. But right now, they were on their tablet, drawing, they then read stories on their phone until the middle of the night. They didn't even put it away, they just passed out with their phone in their hand and slept peacefully. They were out cold and unconscious of the glow the mirror in their room emitted before transporting them...

Y/n's pov

I made...a strange dream(?) If I recall correctly, there was a dude, taking my hand and pulling me to a mirror.... I think I'm confused and stuck. Wait...I'm literally stuck! I tried moving my hands and I think I'm in a box or something. I'm not dreaming, right? My thoughts were interrupted by a voice, I didn't care what they said, I just wanted out! I was about to speak when blue flames consumed my visions and the lid of the coffin I was in burned.

"A coffin. A coffin, dude. Why the heck was I in a coffin? Did people think i was dead?" I asked to nobody in particular, upset. I can't even die so...

"Nyah! How are you awake?!" I looked and saw a cat(?) Racoon(?) I don't know what that is but i decided to answer it "I just woke up. Who or what are you?" I asked monotonously.

"I am the great Grim, a genius meant to become the greatest mage ever!" He puffed his chest proudly.

I just scoffed which seemed to upset him "What?"

"Oh, nothing" I replied innocently.

Then he looked like he remembered something "Ah! You almost made me forget. Here, human, give me that robe you got on!" He smirked as i realised i actually had a robe on.

I smiled in my head as i wrapped my hands around my body faking a fragile look "You wish to undress a woman?" This seemed to take him off guard as i took this as an opportunity to scurry off. I can be faster than most creatures so i lost him easily and i was observing all sceneries around me as i realised this place looked like a campus. Is it really a school? I stopped at some point when i saw some statues. Why are there disney villains as statues here? Then i read their descriptions, they were depicted as heroes or historical figures.... I need more informations....

I was now sited in the school's library, trying to understand where i was until i heard huffing and saw Grim "Finally...found...you!" I must have given him a hard time.

"You good bro?" I asked mildly concerned. He still almost roasted me.

He didn't seem to care about my concern though as he glared "Shut up! Now give me-" He was interrupted by a whip binding him "Nyah! What is this? I can't untie myself!"

"Of course not, you can't. You'll need 100 more years before being able to escape my whip of love." A man With a crow mask and extravagant outfit said, kinda pissed.Grim was still yelling and thrashing around so the Crow man bounded his mouth too.

Okay, that name though. The man then started scolding me because i went out before being authorized and bringing an unruly familiar with me until he suddenly stopped, confusing me. He eyed me closely before asking "Are you a girl? Or a boy?" I only chuckled. I love my fluidity.

"He/They/She, i go by all of these but for now, i'm a demigirl." I smiled at him. 

He paused a second before getting back at his senses, they would be late for the ceremony so he hurried me to follow him. I followed behind him but spoke "Sir uhm" "Crowley" He stated. "Okay, mister Crowley, this may sound bizarre but i think i don't come from this world."

Twisted wonderland x OP ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora