Intemporal queen (Rehearsals)

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Y/n was in their new outfit as they tapped their cane on the floor twice "Okay. The song you'll be going to present to the VDC is an original, title "Absolutely beautiful". I'm expecting you all to memorize the lyrics and dance moves 'til everything's perfect."

"An original song? Pretty impressive for a school music presentation." Jamil said.

"This is more than a simple school music presentation, it's a big show of talent who is even mediatized." Y/n replied.

"Composing original tracks for the VDC has been the norm for several years now. As Y/n just said, the VDC is not a beauty contest or fashion show. Scores are based on singing ability, dancing skill, and the degree to which a given song befits its performers." Vil went further.

"That criteria's...kind of vague." Deuce was perplexed.

"Look at it this way: you know how some people look odd or uncomfortable in certain clothing? It would negatively impact a group's score to select a song poorly suited to its members' vocal capabilities or general image. Imagine elementary schoolers performing gritty blues or heavy metal. No matter how good at singing they might be, the choice of song would inevitably clash with their aesthetics and vocal stylings. Selecting the perfect song for our group is critical to clicking with our audience."

"Ah, yes. The audience votes on the finalists, don't they?" Jamil asked.

"Correct. Winners and losers at the VDC are decided by popular vote. Each audience member, staff member, and entrant gets to cast one vote for their winning team."

"They let the entrants weigh in too? Wouldn't everyone just pick themselves, then? Everybody thinks they're number one! At least, I figure they would..." Kalim said.

"Those are amateurs' thoughts. In the entertaining business, we actually do recognize opponents' value and when they're better than us. That's why this performance will be so awesome that nobody will have to hesitate to vote for that team!"

Vil nodded in agreement. 

"Seeing you in side profile, gaze fixed upon the heavens above... So radiant! So inspiring! Might we hear the song now?" Rook smiled.

"Of course. Well, Manager?" Vil looked at them.

They pressed the play button.

"Whoa, this is the real deal!" Ace exclaimed.

"I like the rhythm! This is nice." Kalim commented. 

"Would this fall under the electronic dance music genre? If we're dancing to this, would we want to go with urban hip-hop? No, maybe hip-hop jazz?" Jamil asked.

"I'm thinking urban hip-hop as a base, with touches of jazz, breakdancing, and voguing. We'll have three main vocalists. The rest of us will primarily focus on backup chorus and dancing." Vil explained. 

"Aw, we're not all singing together?" Kalim questioned. 

"Without a solid grounding in choral music, it would just sound like a cacophony.  We're not going to get all seven of you on the same singing level in a month. Thus, it makes the most sense to devise idiosyncratic focal points based on your respective proficiencies. Plus, groups where everyone has a specific role work better." Y/n explained. 

Deuce and Grim were confused as to what they just said.

"Now for the dance. Vil if you would."

"I'll pull up a dance video with a similar dynamic to provide you with a visual aid of what our performance will look like when it's finished. There should be plenty of videos from professional dance groups on Magicam... Ah, here we are."

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