Escaping expulsion

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Y/n's pov

We all went to the mirror chamber and passed through it to transport to the Dwarfs' mine. On the other side of the mirror, we found ourselves in a forest and there was a path that we followed. At the end, there was an old cabin and the mine at proximity.

'What happened to the Dwarfs' house? Did Snow White and the 7 dwarfs even happen in this universe?' I questioned myself as i looked at it.

Deuce wanted to speak to the inhabitants for help and was about to knock on the door when i stopped him "Useless." "What?" He asked. "Long ago, there were dwarfs working in this mine which explains its name, they lived here but judging by the appearance of this house, no one lives here anymore. There must have been some kind of problem." I explained.

"How do you even know that?" Ace asked me. I shrugged "I just do." 'And i know Disney movies so... '

Anywho, Deuce trusted my judgment so we directly went to the mine. I didn't have any trouble so i directly entered while the other two took a deep breath before following.

Grim, to who i explained the situation, was shaking in my arms as i tried not to laugh at him.

We suddenly heard chuckling as ghosts appeared before us, Grim scream while Ace and Deuce got frightened too. I was just happy, i don't know why i seem to like ghosts so much.

I started a conversation with them which left the boys at a lost. The poors broke down to the topic of their deaths and how they've been abandoned here as i was comforting them.

After a while, they let us pass and i waved them goodbye. The boys were still flabbergasted as Grim spoke "Not my first time."

Deuce was impressed "How do you do to be so cool? I mean you have powerful magic and you seem fearless. "

I chuckled "Nobody's fearless but i think you just have to settle your mind on your goal at all time, that's how i live."

Ace seemed tired "Let's just find this crystal and go" "Wait." I stopped him. "Did you hear something?" "I think i did." Grim replied.

Ace was confused "What are you-" He went silent as he heard it too, loud stomping noises getting closer.

I made up a voice saying "Stone is mine". As the voice became louder, we finally saw its source. Some kinda monster with a pickaxe and a glass full of ink as his head.

'Da freak is that?! And why does his clothes kinda look like grumpy's?' I got out of my thoughts as the monster charged.


I had to be quick. I stomped my foot on the ground which made the earth elevate under the monster as it propulsed it in the air then he crashed to the ground.

"Hurry up! He won't be down for long!" I told the boys as we ran further inside the mine. Then we found the stone the monster was talking about and i quickly grabbed it.

We were about to leave but the monster was back, blocking our path "GIVE BACK...STONE IS MINE!"

'Ugh. Should i just destroy this thing? It seems still affected from before. But i still can't use my spiritual powers.' Before i could act, Deuce tried to slow down the monster and summoned a cauldron that hit it on the head. Ace and Grim tried to attack too with wind and fire magic.

It hit the monster but it wasn't as effective. 'Hm. We could do that but they're not in synch.' "Guys, you'll have to work together if you want this to work."

They looked at me as i continued "Deuce, summon more cauldron. Ace and Grim use your magic together to fuel one another."

They did as told and it was more efficient, the monster grew weaker by the second and after one final blow, its head cracked and exploded, leading to ink flying everywhere. I created a barrier around us so we wouldn't be affected.

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