I am gay hanare and lady tsunade and the family reunion

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Kakashi was finishing up his paperwork when a knock on the door made him stop doing his paperwork and kakashi just sighed. Then kakashi said "come in the door is open" the door opened revealing hanare and Tsunade which was surprising for kakashi. Kakashi smiled underneath his mask and said "hanare I haven't seen you in a while how are you since you left." Hanare blushed and smiled and said "it has been a long time kakashi and I have been doing well thank you for asking." Kakashi replied with "your welcome" then he looked at Tsunade and said "hello Tsunade what brings you here with hanare."

Tsunade sighed and said "kakashi you need a wife your the last member of your clan and you are still not married or even dating anyone for that matter." Kakashi sighed and replied with "Tsunade I do appreciate your concern for my clan even though it is not a well known clan and not a strong one for that matter." Kakashi stopped but then continued "I know you care about me not having anyone I get that but I am gay lady Tsunade." Tsunade and hanare were both shocked by this but Tsunade calmed down and said "I don't care kakashi you are hokage and you need a wife or people will be mad at you." Tsunade stopped but then continued "the elders will be disappointed of what a demon the hokage is would you like that."

Kakashi sighed and said "no lady tsunade you can't just control my love life when you don't have one either tsunade if I was gonna marry who would I even marry." Tsunade smiled and said "hanare of course that's why I brought her here she likes you and you are really good friends with her." Tsunade sighed and continued "and your students back then use to think you were dating and you guys were the perfect match for each other." Tsunade smirked and hanare started smiling still blushing at kakashi a rather simp blush and smile. Hanare smiled a perverted smile and said "come on kakashi before I left you said you loved me since the beginning."

Kakashi sighed he did say that to her but that was when he didn't understand his feelings but now he does it took him a while but now he knows who he likes. Kakashi sighed and said "I didn't know my feelings back then but now I do hanare and I don't like you anymore so stop lying and both of you leave my office." Tsunade became mad but then smirked and said "ok I will just have to talk to the elders about you being gay and I will probably tell them my idea of you marrying hanare." Kakashi was shocked and worried because if tsunade explains her ideas to the elders they will agree with it because the elder doesn't support gay love. Hanare and lady tsunade both smirked at kakashi who was worried about what will happen to him or even to his students for that matter.

Kakashi put up his ground and said "no I will not now leave I will not marry her even if the elder attack me so stop trying you will never exceed in hurting my feelings." Tsunade and hanare both got mad and they both walked out and slammed the door behind them really hard the door frame had cracks in it. Kakashi sighed in relief that was all over but was still worried of what was gonna happen to him because he is gay and doesn't want to marry hanare. Kakashi sighed again and went back to his paperwork that he was rudely interrupted for because of a marriage that he didn't want. Kakashi didn't get what was special about him he only thought obito was special not him so why was he liked by a lot of girls and why was he hokage but he ignored the questions and was focused more on his work.

In the meadow~
When minato went into the forest someone came out of it and it was rin but older and that brought a smile onto obitos face so he ran to her. Obito ran and hugged her and rin hugged back smiling because they haven't seen each other in a while and obito was happy to see her again. Then some hugged obito and someone hugged rin and it was kushina and minato, minato was hugging rin while kushina was hugging obito. They all released from the hug then kushina hugged rin, someone then hugged obito from behind and it was hashirama his papa. Obito turned around and hugged his papa and put his face into his papas chest while hashirama was patting his sons head and messing up his hair that was already messed up.

Hashirama smiled and said "I missed you obi"obito smiled back and said "I missed you too papa so much" everyone was watching in aww at them. Then someone hugged hashirama and obito and it was madara and both hashirama and obito turned happy because they were happy to see him. Obito had both of his parents back after 2 years because madara was in hell and hashirama was in heaven but in another realm for a while. But now they are all together again and obito was happy and his parents they all released the hug and obito ran to stone because he was also there as well. Hashirama and madara watched there sons have reunion after two years without each other.

Madara looked at hashirama and hashirama turned and looked back at madara and then madara grabbed hashirama chin and madara put his lips on hashiramas. Hashirama kissed his husband back and they both didn't care if everyone was watching them they haven't kissed since they had sasuke and mashi. They both pulled away from the kiss and hashirama pulled madara into a hug and then hashirama put his head in madaras chest. Madara hugged back and started playing with hashiramas hair while everyone was still watching them. Then obito and stone ran to their dads and hugged them everyone was watching the family reunion with smiles on all their faces.
To be continued~

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