Characteristics of the Losers

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I'm angry at the world. I am angry at the change of people I used to know. I'm angry at you. I'm angry at her. I'm angry at him. But mostly, I'm angry that I can't control this anger. It's getting the better of me. It really is.

I hate the fact that people adore the idea of revenge. I hate arrogance and people that judge others because of a weakness in themselves they hide. I loathe people who don't understand the concept of sticking to others when times are difficult but break down and ignore their help. I abhore the fact that nothing fills up those empty hearts, that they all sort of walk down the path of their own doom and ignore advice given. I hate myself for loving them all.

Because you don't understand. You don't understand. You will never understand. You had everything and for not understanding, now you have nothing. Now you make other people miserable for not appreciating what you had. And you lost it because you couldn't appreciate it, like a mother's love when she passes away due to her hectic nerves you caused her. Or a person who had walked out on you because they couldn't understand why you couldn't be content with what you have.

I dream of a future away from these people, with someone who acts with people as if they are walking on fragile glass that is about to snap in any second, because they are afraid of the Lord and what is to come. Because people never do their part and never keep their promises. No one fears anymore. Not in this era. And they expect from others. Why? I can never know.

I loathe romantists. I wish they had died out back then when the concept was created. All the greatest people believed the idea of romantism was a sealed fate to destruction. And people are so selfish, mate. Didn't you know? Out there isn't what you're used to. Out there people love for all the wrong reasons. For revenge. For looks. For money. For the lack of self-confidence. For the pure pleasure of having someone - anyone - beside them. To impress. To suggest. Didn't you know that? And it might sound shallow but more that I see of this world, the more I am convinced that these are the reasons people come together in any form. Friendship. Relationship. Aquaintenceship. You name it. It's all there. I am a mind-reader. I should know. The people I thought best of - so naively thought best of - had some roots planted into one of these things.

I am disappointed in the world. Genuinely disappointed. Devestatingly. Passionately. Angrily.

I believe most of the society to be foolish. Everyone strives for the wrong things and all of us will die one day, and what after that? You will return to what? What have you achieved running after what you had desired?

This fear of the Hereafter is gone in most.

And they say they believe.


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