" Not really-I mean I've been dreaming about going there since I was a kid and I'm just excited" I told Aria with a smile

She nodded her head before turning into her seat. I look over at Johnny to see him knocked out and seeing my dad laughing at something my mom said. I lay back and wait for the next 3 hours until we arrive to my new home.

God I wish everything goes good and I don't don't make a fool out of myself.

3 hours later.

I wake up at 10:12pm seeing we have just arrived Seattle. As we drive by I see Eastwood University at the top of a hill surrounded by the city lights- and everything hits me at ones knowing that I was gonna be living under that massive looking castle and having to share my dorm room with someone else which is making me anxious.

What if I have to share a dorm with someone who likes to brings girls over every single night or someone who doesn't shower and smells like wet dog- I couldn't live like that.

I shake those thoughts out of my head as we pull up to our new house which is a really cute modern house at the top of a hill- my dads work company got us this house to stay in in the meantime we can afford to pay the bills.

"Aria wake up" I shake her shoulder trying to wake up sleeping beauty

While Johnny has his mouth wide open dreaming about god knows what. Since both of these lazy bitches won't wake up I created a plan-

Pulling my legs over their seats and get out of the car, grabbing a water bottle from the passenger side of the car- and poking holes at the top of the water bottle and slowly creeping from behind the door and pressing the water bottle has hard as I can till water came out of the hole from the top.

"SOHPIA!!" Aria yelled jumping up from her seat

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Johnny yelled looking at me still in his seat in shock.

I bursted out laughing hard seeing them both soaking wet from the stunt I pulled-but my laughter died down as I saw the evil smirks on their faces.

"Hey guys how about we call it a truce huh?" I said backing away from the car

Both Aria and Johnny looked at each other and nodded and that's when I knew I was gonna die right then and there.

So I did what any other person would do in my situation- I turned on my heels and ran for my life into the house yelling for my mom or dad to come save me but before I could even make it to the front door, someone grabbed me by my stomach from behind and lifted me up.

"You know Aria I heard there's a pool out back" Johnny said turning to look at Aria a few feet behind him.

I look back at Johnny with a shocked looked and turn to Aria to see she has an innocent smile-

That. Little. Shit. They never told me we had a fucking pool in our new house

"Yeah I heard too and apparently it's an infinity pool" Aria said with a smirk

"No- no Johnny put me down right now!"
"I can't do that unfortunately, I think you deserve a little pay back"
"Johnny I swear to god I will break your skateboard if you don't put me down" I practically beg him to put me down, while trying to escape.

As we got closer to the pool, I wrapped my arms around Johnnys neck.

"Johnny I will kick your as-" I was cut off by being thrown into the pool.

Pushing my feet down I pushed myself up until I reached the surface and took a breath of air pushing my hair out of my face, and glaring at Johnny who had a devilish smirk on his face.

"You little bitch, I'm going to kill you in your sleep!" I threaten him while still in the water. Both Aria and Johnny turned around still laughing before entering the house.

I let out a scoff- not wanting to get out of the pool just yet I turned around to face the opposite direction of the house and froze.

I was staring at the most beautiful view of the city with all of the lights glowing in the dark and the stars glowing in the sky, and what makes it even better are the LED lights the pool had, and the fire pillars in each side of the pool made it look like a scene from a movie-and that's when I realized I was gonna love living here.

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