'What, what information could he be hiding from us that would make us sad', Master Splinter placed the two items carefully on the ground before he looked at each one of us, "The day I escaped from those dangerous men, the day I brought us to our current home, I looked at each of you, I smiled as I saw all of you sleeping soundly from the previous event, but....not all four of you".

The silence inside the dojo that was once quiet was the loudest thing in this room, 'four of us...', I stared at our sensei waiting eagerly for him to continue, "I could never forget his features, his baby blue eyes, and the freckles that adorned his small cheeks and shoulders...", he looked at the orange mask, "This was supposed to be his mask, orange as his bright smile and happy mood, from even before you boys were mutated, he never cried, he only smiled". We watched Master Splinter stand to his feet, making his way over to the shrine placing the carving and mask back down on the altar.

I looked over at my brothers only to see the same expression that was showing on me as well, confused and sad, I looked back at sensei, quickly standing to my feet, "Sensei did you at least go back for him?", he didn't turn around he just continued starring at the shrine, "Donatello, you must understand the circumstances", with that response I instantly knew he didn't even try looking for his lost son, my lost brother, he just gave up, "It would have been dangerous if I went back for him, I would have been putting you three through danger, whether that was bringing you with me to find him or leaving you here". I stared at the ground, full over so many emotions, but I couldn't pinpoint what, anger, confusion, sadness, whatever it was I continued staring at the ground, "How-...Did you know how old he was?...", even though I was looking at the ground I felt Leo and Raph stare at me, I waited only to hear our sensei sigh, "I am...unsure, but most likely a year or two younger than you Donatello". I looked at splinter, 'now I know what this feeling is...it's disgust', I bowed my head not making eye contact with anyone, "Thank you for answering my question Master Splinter", I could hear the slight venom in my words as I left the dojo, I needed to leave that room, I needed to think.

I sat down holding my head at my desk, I took deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself down, small sheds of tears falling down my face, 'I had a little brother... how could he leave him behind without even going after him. I could he- wait that means he left a newborn with dangerous men?! And he didn't even try to save him, how...how could he', I could think any coherent thoughts, I grabbed my head, and laid it on my metal desk hyperventilating from the newfound information when something about the story of how our lives began brought something to light, 'He said those men all looked alike and carried large vial filled with some type of green liquid...MUTAGEN?! So that means he was taken by the kraang!'.

I grabbed my self-made laptop and logged in with the code to open my computer. 'Maybe if I find the kraang system, and somehoowww- Ah ha!', I found the private classified folders upon folders on Kraang information. Still, it was all in what I assumed was kraang, 'Maybe if I...', I typed into the system and firewall changing the codes to fix the language, typing in the codes and numbers the files slowly changed from the unknown language into English, 'Shell Yeah!'. I scrolled through the files, the thousands on thousands of files but three stuck to me, their technology, experiments, and prisoners. 'Prisoners...maybe...', I opened the files and saw that the file was subcategorized into three categories: Humans, Mutants, and anthropomorphic creatures. I clicked on the mutants prisoners, and the file opened to more files, I looked at my computer shocked, 'Dang they're really organized', I looked through the many types of mutants they had, and found the file I was looking for, reptiles.

I stared at the thousands of files that loaded on my computer, but this time it wasn't subcategories, but instead numbers with a mutants headshot above it. I scrolled down the many files, seeing reptiles ranging from a snake, chameleons, crocodiles, to a turtle, 'Turtle...', I looked at the file of the only turtle in their files, I clicked the file, and the file opened with tons of pages.

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