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i think i already did a story like this before but oh well hope u like it anyways enjoy bye

There was a new student in your class today. He stood at the front of the class, looking anywhere but the teenagers before him.

"So..this is Austin. He's new." The teacher announced.
"Hi." Austin said.

A few people looked around at each other and laughed at him amongst themselves.

"Boys at the back, that's enough. Now..there's a spare seat next to Y/N, just in the middle there." She said.

Your heart sunk. The class went 'ooo' as they looked at you. This was all you needed.
But, you had to be at least a little nice to him. You were gonna have to sit next to him for a while, so you have him a weak smile.
You took your bag off the spare seat beside you and he sat down.

"Sorry if I embarrassed you in front you friends." He whispered to you.
"It's whatever. You didn't embarrass me." You muttered.

" for this project you'll be working with whoever sits beside you." The teacher said. You let out a 'pissed off' sigh and an eye roll after she says so. You didn't mean it to hurt Austin but he did look a little upset.

You didn't listen to what the assignment was. Austin looked smart enough..and you figured he could do the work.

The room was loud and everyone was talking with their friends who they sat next to..and you were left with the new kid.

He didn't really say anything. You could tell he was shy.

"Sorry. Like..I didn't mean to offend you by the way." You tell him, accidentally interrupting him, but you made no mention of the interruption.

"That's okay. I get one really wants to work with the new kid." He said, looking sheepish.
"It's least your not weird." You said, trying to stay positive.

He looked and smiled.

"Well..if you want..I can just do this." He looked down.
"No..I can't let you do that." You shook your head. "I'll feel bad otherwise."
" has to be done by" he said.
"Oh. Well..erm.." you awkwardly said.

The lesson you spent with Austin wasn't even that bad. He was nice..and actually kind of funny. He was just one of the guys you had to get to know. knew he was very shy though. But he had opened up to you.

"I thought you were gonna be really mean to me." He chuckled.
"Well, I was going to. But the you turned out to be decent." You chuckled.
"Well you're the only person who's been" he mumbled.
"I'm sorry to hear that." You look up, feeling sorry for him. "What're you gonna do at lunch and break?"
"I don't really know." He shrugged.

You think about this for a minute. You spend about 5 minutes dwelling on wether you should ask him to sit with some of your friends.

Oh, fuck it.

"Wanna sit with my friends?" You asked.
"I don't want to burden you." He said.
"No, that's totally okay. They'll totally love you, cause your so shy and adorable." You insisted.
"Okay..sure." He smiled. He was very adorable.

It got to the end of the lesson and you brought Austin to your friends.

"Hey guys. This is Austin. He's new. Can he sit with us?" You asked.

One of your friends glared at you and beckoned you over, before flashing a fake smile to Austin.

You lean toward her and she whispers, "No way."
"Why not?" You asked.
"Cause I said so!"
"Oh, do you know what Daisy, I'm leaving. Come on Austin." You said and walked away, Austin quickly followed you.

He catches up with you.

"Y/N, I'm sorry, you can go back to your friends." He said.
"No! I'm tired of it. I'm tired of them. At least I have you." You sighed.

He forces weak smile.

"Yeah. I'm glad to have you. Cause I'd be alone." He said.
"Mhm." You laughed.

Next class you had was English..and you had to sit next to Daisy. Your friend, who you just yelled at..for not letting Austin sit with you..yeah..that will be awkward.

You sat down.

"Okay guys, for this lesson I'm gonna let you work in groups so pick a partner."
Daisy opened her mouth to speak. "Um..I don't know anyone in this class so I guess we can-"

You cut her off and go take a seat next to Austin instead. Sure, it may have been a little petty but..Austin was nicer to you than Daisy had ever been.

"Your friend..she's alone." Austin said. "I don't want her to like think that I'm stealing her friends..I can just work alone."
"Austin, stop it. I'm working with you. Okay?" You say.

He looks back nervously.

"Okay.." he sighed.

In just one day, you and Austin became close friends.

One evening, you were sleeping over at Austin's house. You had ordered a pizza and you were hanging out in his room, but when it got it to 9pm you and him decided to watch a movie.

You were both sat in his bed..when you felt and urge to hug him. From nowhere.

You layed down fully and pull the covers up. He looked over but didn't say anything.  You shifted toward him and put your head on his chest.

He looked down..and again kept himself quiet..but he put his arm on your back and started rubbing it. You both just..sort of went along with it..

"What're we doing Austin?" You asked, laughing. He started laughing too, making your head bounce as my chest moved up and down with each chuckle.
"I have no clue.." he said, then he stopped laughing. "But I like it, Y/N. I like you."

You looked up.

"You do..?" You said.

He nodded, and then you leaned in to kiss him for the first time.

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