Kiss me

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Leo(1987)- Jay or Blue Jay.

Leo(2003)- Fearless.

Leo(2007)- Captain.

Leo(2012)- Blue or Lee.

Leo(ROTTMNT)- Leon.


Raph(1987)- Cardinal.

Raph(2003)- Red.

Raph(2007)- Rafa

Raph(2012)- Bara.

Raph(ROTTMNT)- Raphie.


Donnie(1987)- Starling.

Donnie(2003)- Science.

Donnie(2007)- Donato

Donnie(2012)- Deedee.

Donnie(ROTMNT)- Don.


Mikey(1987)- Robin.

Mikey(2003)- Mike.

Mikey(2007)- Sprinkes.

Mikey(2012)- Angle.

Mikey(ROTTMNT)- Artist or Michael.


I am working in the lad with Science.
It's been hard for all the turtles lately. They all want to go home, and see their Master... Poor Fearless has been crying over it for the past few days...
And plus, I like being in the lad and helping out the best I can.
I also noticed something about Science, he over works himself a lot. So do the others... So I'm starting to help out more, being in the lad and helping out is the best thing ever. I never noticed my love for science and tweaking things. I turned out to be really good at it.

" Hey, thanks for helping us out." Science says, and turns to me. I smiled at him. Before I knew it, he was right up to me. He put his hand up to my face, and pulled me in.
I lean forward, and kissed him on the cheek. He's face was all red, it was really cute. I turn and gone back to my work.

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