XVIII - Pedophile or Murderer?

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It's been just over a month. Jennie still doesn't know I love her. I couldn't bring up the courage. I'm a freaking coward, I know. But it's hard, and plus, I didn't want to give her extra stress when she was trying to recover. It was a Monday and it was mine and Jennies first day back at school. We were well enough to go school and I had planned the perfect "welcome back bitches outfit, in my head. But when I got out of bed I really couldn't give a single shit so l limped into school wearing male sports shorts and a band t-shirt. I don't even like the Rolling Stones.

I saw Jennie by her locker and I walked over to her, "Jennie," I smiled and she greeted me back with a warm hug,

"how is your head?"

"It's good," she grinned, "how's your leg?"

"Good," | smiled back. I would kiss her right now, I really wanted to.

"Lisasa! Oh my gosh, it's so great that your back!"

Sana swooned around in her skinny jeans and cropped jumper. I sighed, "what do want? ItS my first day back, I don't want any drama,"

"You've already started it," she gave a final faux grin and strutted off.

"This girl," I sighed in exasperation, 'pisses me off."

"Me too," Jennie looked at me innocently, "see you around. " then we went to homeroom.

Lunch was weird. Not the actual food out it was quite weird. Tzuyu kept staring at me and smiled at me every time 1 would look at her, which was a lot, because | felt awkward but i smiled pack at her. I thought nothing of It at the time out as soon as I went to my locker, I found out.

Tzuyu went up to me really ecstatic. "Lisal Oh my gosh

1 didn't know that you felt the same way, I'm so happyl" It happened so quickly oefore she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. I was shocked and shoved her away a little too harshly. She looked at me with hurt and confusion. "I-I'm so sorry Tzuyu. I didn't mean to give you the wrong message but I don't like you like that."

"what?" She almost whispered, "but Sana said-"

"Sana? Oh for fucks sakel" I growled, "I'm so sorry she humiliated you like this," | quickly said and ran off.

I met Bella and asked her where Sana was. She said she was on the basketball court watching boys play. So I went to the court and she was there with a bunch of other cheerleaders. "Sana! You fucking bitch!" The boys almost instantly stopped playing and found this drama to be a new source of entertainment. She whioped her head around to see me and watched me storm into the court. "You love starting drama, don't


"What?" She acted surprised and tried to be cute and pouted, "I would never do that-

"Oh shut up," I grabed her arm and dragged her out of the court descite her protests. The boys 'ooh'ed like wolves or something. When we were out of hearing range, i shoved her into a wall, "why are you so horrible? Why did you tell Tzuyu chat liked her?"

'I suppose Jennie will be asking the same question." she smirked evilly.

"Wait what?" I choked out.

Sana what did you do?*

She shrugged and started walking away, "Sana what the fuck did you do?""It doesn't matter, the whole school is going to think youte a pedophile faggot. Kissing freshmen.*

"She kissed me!"

"That's not what it looks like on the picture."

"What picture?" | yelled but she just walked away casually. Lord give me strength not to punch this bitch.

I didn't have enough strength though and I stormed behind her. Then, when I was right behind her, with all my strength, I shoved her as hard as I could. As soon as 1 did though, I regretted it. She fell flat onto the concrete. I couldn't even scream. "Oh my gosh Sana," I sort of yelped and kneeled by her side. She didn't move. "Sana, stop pretending Just get up, please I didn't mean it!' | shook her shoulder lightly and she still didn't move.

She suddenly coughed and sat up. She glared at me with blood trickling out of her nose, 'if you have permanently ruined by nose, youll be seeing my parents' lawyer," she stood up and stomped on my leg, the one l dislocated. I yelled out and curled into a ball in pain. I almost cried out I breathed in and out heavily before I thought I could get back up. Michael ran over to me to see if I was okay. "What happened?"

"It's nothing," he helped me sit up. Michael was actually pretty small for a basketball player. He wasn't very manly or tall out he was still good. We went out for two years when we were 14 and we took each others* virginities. I looked at his chest and I kinda wanted to fuck him. Maybe I am bisexual? Maybe I'm just a horny 17 year old. What the hell am I thinking whilst I'm in pain? Maybe pain turns me on?

"Do want me to help you get to class?"

"Fuck mel wait what?" I blurted out, "fuck, I did not mean that!

"I mean, I'm down but I didn't know you were still into me," he smirked, I'm not lol, I just want a threesome with you and Jennie. Lisa, your hormones are RAGING.

I met Jennie on the way and she was almost crying too.


"I didn't know you liked freshmen," she looked at me disgusted and walked away, leaving me dumbfounded. I sighed heavily and held back more tears. Why do I do things? Why do I leave my bed in the morning? All do Is ruin things and people. I sighed again and watched Jennie walk away. This is it.

Now is my chance.

I didn't take it. I could've told her I toved right there, right then. But I didn't. I'm a freaking coward. It was too late so I just dragged myself to class. I love you Jennie.

Crossed paths - Jenlisa adaptationWhere stories live. Discover now