Chapter 1- sneck a pick in situation

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Virat met Patralekha in a resort while enjoying a mini vacation with his friend Sunny before joining dut as an IPS officer. There Virat and Paralekha become friends soon as they found they have lots of similarity in their thought process. Paralekha become attracted towards Virat but for him it was just a friendship.

Virat, Sunny and Patralekha spend lots of time together. All three of them enjoyed yoga sessions, bonfire nights, exploring the place and verios restaurants. Ptralekha's attraction towards Virat increased with time. She was very curious to know about the handsome police officer and asked lots of information from Sunny.

They exchanged their numbers at the time of budding bye to ech other. But Virat lost her number as his phone get damaged and he forgot the incident and Patralekha. As shedule he joined his duty at of post of ACP in Gadchiroli soon.

Oneday when he was busy in work he got a call from an unknown number who asked hi to gues who she is. He was irritated for disturbing at the time of work and banned the number. Patralekha who called Virat with lots of interest was disappointed seeing it and also banned his number.

The story could have ended here but destiny had another plan. Virat again met Patralekha few months later as his cousin Samrat's bride on the day of sangeet. Patralekha was again hopeful seeing Virat. She proposed him and expressed he feelings for him but Virat brushed it off sayin that he never thought her more than a friend. She tried to blackmail him by saying that she will break the marriage. He answered if she want she can, that will save his brother from an unwanted bride.

Patralekha was heartbroken seeing Virat's reaction. She wanted to break the marriage first. She told her mother but when her mother listen all these opposed against the decision. One of Patralekha's friend told her that she can pursue Virat after the marriage. So Patralekha agreed to marry Samrat.

On the otherhand Virat met with his subordinate Senior Inspector Kamal Joshi's young daughter Sai. she is a talented girl and stood first in the district at 12th board exam. She scored a good rank in all India Medical entrance. This talented Meritorious teenager impressed him with her clear thought, bold behaviour and fearlessness.

A local MLA's son is persuing her for a long time. He harras her at her school and tuition. He block her ways and propose her in public. He often come to outside of Kamal Joshi's quarter and shout Sai's name and his love for Sai. infact he come to Kamal Joshi's police station once and asked for Sai's hand. Things become bad when the MLA with his wife come to Joshi house asking for Sai's hand for their son and Mr. Joshi denied.

The harassment incresed 10 times. At the night of Samrat and Patralekha's wedding Virat got a news that Sai has been abducted by Jagtap and his father's men. Virat immediately left for Gadchiroli leaving the wedding.

There he come to know that Jagtap planned to forcefully marry Sai next morning at a nearby temple. Virat didnt inform anything to the worried father and left with a tem of 10 to rescue her. When they reach the wedding already started wheer a deced up Sai was made forcefully sat in the alter, her hands and mouth were tied and few people held her Usha Mausi in gun point. Virat and his team entered in the venue and started to eliminate one after one goon silently.

When Jagtap was trying to fill Sai's hairline, Virat suddenly pulled her away and himself filled her hairline. Soon one of his team member arrested Jagtap. He and his team come back after rescuing Sai and a number of goons including Jagtap and his mother. Kamal Joshi was happy to get back his daughter safely but villagers made a scene of the situation.

One of MLA's close person said that ACP Virat Chavan filled Sai's hairline in the temple in front f lots of witnesses so he needs to marry Sai. therwise Sai will be declared at charecterless and banned from the village. Virat said that it was not legal marriage so this doesnt matter and Sai is just a teenager with a bright future.

Though he neglected the matter but the matter get serious. One day he get information that some people is humiliating sai outside their quarter. When he reached there few women were throwing dart towards Sai and saying dirty words while a helpless Usha Mausi was trying to save her and Kamal Joshi was banging the door which was closed from outside.

The women dont run away after seeing him also and bad mouth him also. When he told them that he will arrest them they left the place. After they left he found a unconscious Sai there. Usha mausi opened he door of the quarter and a crying Kamal Joshi ran to his daughter.

After Sai come to consciousness she never let a drop of tear fell from her eyes but sat like a statue. She neither take a morsel of food not sleep. Virat come to meet her next morning. He told her "Sai whatever happened it was an accident, I just wanted to save you. I know I should not have done that but I didnt know that things will come like this. You have a bright future ahead. You have your counceling and admission in 10 days. You are going out of this place soon. Please dont worry."

she looked towards Virat and said "Virat sir I am grateful to you that you saved me, I know why you did that and I never mind. I know I can leave this place but my Aba and Usha mausi. They have to stay here and people will not allow them to stay in peace. I have seen condition of other girl of our village and their families." he really dont have a answer for her so left to visit Kamal Joshi.

He saw Kamal Joshi cryin and worried for his daughter. Virat stood and saw the devastated father daughter. This family was a happy family just two days ago and now they are broken. Only he can save this family. He also thought about patralekha and Smrat and realize that it will be better for him also he will be saved from his so called sister-in-law's advances.

When he was engrossed in his thought Usha mausi come to him and said "ACP Sir please marry my Sai baby. She is a very good girl. These people will not let them happy. What do you thin you saved Sai? If Sai leave this place then also Mane sahab's people will hunt her. Please marry her."

Virat understood that there is no other way so he said that he is ready to marry Sai. the villagers arranged their marriage the next day before any of Virat or Sai change their thought. Virat didnt get time to inform his home. He called Sunny after marriage. 

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