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You are special to me dearie and you don't have to please my Mom to get married to me. There ls nothing she can do. We'll get married, grace. I promise" Damien said holding my hands. "But why did you leave me and go to Autumn?" I asked. "Why would I do that? How can someone as pretty  as you be left for someone like Autumn? It's just....trash. look, Autumn and I were only pretending to bring out your true self. I knew this money claimer, greedy, cheap and desperate girl wasn't the Grace I knew." He said. "Although I was sad I couldn't get Damien, am still happy for you grace. I can never betray you again" she said and hugged me. Damien took my hand and we danced to the lovely tune, it was the happiest moment of my life.  All bad names were taken off my locker the next day.

I heard Clementine and Apollo were also together now. And everything was fine between Agnes and Scott. I was so happy when my name was the top student in the whole school with a beautiful A! Damien's was 3rd, Apollo was 5th, Agnes's was 8th and Clementine's was 9th. We jumped high for joy and started searching for Autumn's name. Oh  My God Autumn's name wasn't On the list! My friend couldn't graduate! She burst into tears. I wrapped my arms around her to console her but she just pulled away and slapped me across the face hard. "YOU'RE A WITCH, GRACE YOU'VE TAKEN EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME!!!! WHENEVER AM HAPPY FOR YOU, YOU JUST BEWITCH ME AND I GET RUINED. WHY! WHY!!" she cried and stormed off. Everyone looked at her like she was a psycho.

And I never saw Autumn again. I felt guilty but Damien told me not to take her words to heart. Life became awesome after that. Damien found out about mom's dream and got her for tryouts. She was in on her first match! And her team won! My graduation went fine and 3 colleges wanted me. I chose the biggest college. I and the Davids were not in the same University, but we kept in touch all the time. Damien kept promising me good things and after i graduated college studying medicine, I got my first job in a small hospital. I built two houses - one for me and mum. I returned home and I was so excited. Soon, Damien and I tied the knot, on the same day with Scott and Agnes. After a whole year, I became pregnant. I couldn't be happier Life was finally going to be perfect, mum in the World's Women Basketball club, me as the medical doctor and Damien's wife ??? I am dreaming God knows how it all happened.........

"Mum! Mum!" Daisy yelled as i ran to her room. "Daisy, am so proud of you, you woke all by yourself." I laughed as Daisy hugged me. I presented the cake I was hiding. "Happy Birthday Darling" I hugged her back as Damien entered with Sasha and they had presents with them. "Happy Birthday Bestie. " Sasha laughed and climbed on the bed hugging Daisy. "Thank you Sasha" she replied as Agnes and Scott entered. "Daddy loves you Daisy, happy 7th birthday" Damien presented his gift. "Awwwnn I love you Daddy" Daisy chuckled. "OK, put on your dress and let's head to the venue. Grandma and Grandpa are waiting." Scott said he carried his daughter Sasha. "OK" Daisy said as Damien and the others left. "Mummy wait..." "What's wrong darling??" I turned around and sat on the bed. "Why isn't grandma loving like other mother-in-law's I watch on TV. She's too serious and she yells at you. She loves me only" Daisy opened herself up to me. "I understand you don't like it my dear, but Grandma will change, and I don't have a problem with her seriousness. Am just concerned about you baby" I hugged her. "Promise me you'll tell me the story in the car" Daisy stared at me with puppy eyes. "Which story now?" I said looking stressed. "The story of how you met Daddy" I chuckled and lifted her off the bed.

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