Time To Shine.

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I got to the place as soon as she described and it was the biggest mansion I have ever seen in my entire life! Even bigger than the Davids! I knocked the door And a beautiful woman wearing a long white straight gown, opened the door. "Who are you dearest, and what are you doing here?" The woman asked kindly.
 "My name is Grace. I need to see Mr. Martin." I said with a serious face as she welcomed me in. "Uhmmm...you must be his Secretary...sit" she offered me a soft couch . She entered her kitchen, and I kept staring around the big luxurious house Dad couldn't even build for us before he left The woman came back with a plate of French fries and a cup of milk  and put it on the table before me. "Actually ma'am, I am not Grace Mr. Martin's secretary, I am Grace Martins. His first daughter" I sighed. The woman looked at me in shock. "What?" She said looking a bit angry suddenly, two girls came running downstairs. They were identical twins with blonde hair and blue eyes like their mother. They ran towards me and I thought they were going to attack me but they just fell in front of their mother. "What is the problem? We have a guest." Their mum said already pissed. "What guest, Mum? Is she a mean girl from school" one of them asked. " girls, meet Grace. She's your stepsister. And Grace, meet Mary and Amy." 

The woman introduced her daughters who looked at me like a psycho "Wait, look at her ugly black hair and her disgusting skin. She looks nothing like us." Amy said. Suddenly, a man angrily barged in and started walking fast with a straight face when he looked at me and his eyes welled up. DAD "Omg grace, is that you" he asked, coming towards me. "No, it's my shadow" I yelled at him. He gave me a hug and I pulled away. "You never cared to contact us. Mum had your contact all these years, but you never picked her call and replied her texts, you are a cheat and you have no right to be back into my life" I yelled with hot tears down my cheeks. "You can't just come into my house and start to hurl insults at my husband GET OUT!" The woman barked.
 "Grace isn't going anywhere till she tells me what she wants." Dad told his wife and the three witches boiled "I wish I don't even have to ask this from you, but I am getting married after college. It's one of the most important part of my life....And my future in-laws, need you to be there, i don't want to look at you, inhale your fragrance or even call you my dad in front of everyone but I have no choice So, they want you to come, and walk me down the aisle". I told him. "Why are you talking about marriage now that you're not done with high school yet anyway?" Dad said. "My mum is capable of giving me better life in college than in high school and you don't have to know!

So, is it a plan?" I asked me. "My husband will never ever come to the wedding! His daughters are college students and they have boyfriends. His children are more important than other people" the woman snapped into the discussion. "Point of correction, you and your daughters are the other people in my life! You really need to back off" I yelled. Suddenly, Mary ran towards me and slapped me hard. Without thinking. I spilled the milk right in her face. I turned around to walk off when she attacked me and we broke into a wild fight. Our parents tried separating us when a figure flew in and punched Mary. We both fell apart and Mary's nose was bleeding. "You won't go free for this, grace" she said. I turned around to look at the person when I saw Agnes oh my darling bestie  We both went out of the house and entered her car.
 "Dearie  I missed you" I told her. "Grace, I know why you're here." She said. "You do?" I asked. "Yes. Am sorry. It was all because of my parents and their methods but I don't care" Agnes said. "I have one more thing to do for them. Agnes, your parents don't like the fact that am not famous like you" grace said. "EASY! FAME? POPULARITY? that's nothing girl!" She clapped her hands happily. "Will you help me?" I asked excited. "Why not? What are friends for?" Agnes laughed. I hugged her and she warned me to let her go on the road. She took me to a spa. She took a picture of me wearing a face mask and a cucumber on my eyes. She took a picture of me after my makeup and hairdo in the salon and posted both on her Instagram account. "Wake up tomorrow and turn on your phone before anything " she winked.

I got home. Mum wasn't home and I went to shower. It was already late at night anyway so I just watched videos for the rest of the night and fell asleep.  I woke up very early in the morning to my phone buzzing crazily! Text messages, comments and calls. My phone just couldn't stop. I grabbed my phone and I was shocked to see Agnes' Instagram post had 2 million likes already. Agnes's had millions of followers. There were comments every minute, calls and about how beautiful I was. I wore my normal casual dress to school and I saw Mum eating her pancakes  I sat down with her and told her everything.

 Mum turned a deaf ear when I started to talk about Dad. "Did he agree" mum asked rolling her eyes. "Whatever he said nothing till his daughter slapped me. "How dare she?" Mum asked. "My friend put her In her place anyway." I showed mum my phone and she was so surprised and happy  "I hope any modeling company sees this" mum smiled. I got to school, and suddenly all the boys came running. "Oh my goodness, Grace Willie, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life to be honest, i have been so drawn towards you ever since i met you, darling would you go out with me please" a guy answered. "No" I ignored all the pleads, selfies and suddenly Autumn came towards me. I thought she was gonna hug me but she just came and landed a slap on my face and I fell to the floor.

"YOU TOOK MY PLACE AGAIN!!!! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING THAT BELONGED TO ME AGAIN YOU ARE THE WORST FRIEND IN THE WORLD HOW COULD YOU BECOME FAMOUS OVERNIGHT WHEN I HAVEN'T CLICKED 100 FOLLOWERS IN A YEAR YOU TOOK DAMIEN, NOW MY POPULARITY!!!!" Autumn barked almost loosing her voice. "Autumn, I don't understand you and you can't be yelling at me when I did absolutely nothing wrong " I rolled my eyes. "Hey grace, do you wanna be part of my friends club?" CLEMENTINE walked towards me. "No thank you" I told her. "I will kill you if you say a word grace, for now, be happy and smiling with your fame, straight A's in exams, and a boyfriend but I wont make it easy for you" Autumn promised and she fainted with everyone running towards her and yelling her name. I just walked off she'll wake up But... SHE DIDN'T WAKE UP! For a whole month, she was In bed and I didn't have the heart to go and visit her. Why would I even go? Because now, I was a famous model too busy with shoots

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