Chapter 2: To Plan

Start from the beginning

     The others turn to Gandalf asking how many dragons he's killed. The wizard stays silent, starting to choke on the smoke from his pipe. Nyx knows for a fact he hasn't killed one, let alone fought one. There is only one left in the world who has directly battled a dragon with sword and spear. The others seems to realize this and the argument grows.

     Thorin rises from his seat, "Enough!" he yells, his voice carrying over the argument. "If we have read these signs, do you not think others will have read them too? Rumors have begun to spread. The dragon Smaug has not been seen in sixty years. Eyes look East to the mountain, assessing, wondering, weighing the risk. Perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours? Or do we seize this chance to take back Erebor?"

The dwarves cheer, now inspired by their leader's words. Thorin sits down but Balin, ever the voice of reason speaks up, "You forget the front gate is sealed. There is no way into the mountain."

"That, my dear Balin, is not entirely true," Gandalf responds, revealing a large silver key. Nyx sits up a bit, noting the craftsmanship of the dwarvish key.

"How came you by this?" Thorin asks, his eyes on the key.

Gandalf passes the key to him, "It was given to me by your father Thráin, for safekeeping. It is now yours." The others stare at it, realizing they have a shot at getting into the mountain undetected.

"If there is a key, there must be another way in," Fíli says, a grin upon his face.

Gandalf rolls the map out again, "The runes speak of a hidden passage to the lower half."

"There's another way in," Kíli adds, his arm around his brother's as they both smile.

"Well if we can find it but dwarf doors are invisible when closed. The answer lies somewhere in this map and I do not have the skill to find it but there are others in Middle Earth who can. In fact, I believe Nyx here could find the passage should you allow her," Gandalf says, glancing over at her.

Thorin stares across the table at her, anger in his eyes, "I will not allow an elf to see that which is ours."

Nyx has to fight not to roll her eyes. She wishes only to help but Thorin refuses to see beyond her outward appearance. He only see what she is not what she can offer.

     Gandalf continues, "The task I have in mind will require a great deal of stealth and no small amount of courage. But if we're careful and clever, I believe it can be done."

"That's why we need a burglar," Ori says, causing all eyes to shift to Bilbo who stands oblivious to the ongoing dealings.

Bilbo, who is looking down at the map, responds, "A good one too. An expert, I'd imagine."

"And are you?" Glóin asks. Bilbo takes a moment to realize the dwarf is talking to him, even looking over his shoulder to affirm such.

"Am I what?"

Óin, unable to hear the hobbit's words correctly, cheers. "He said he's an expert!"

Bilbo, now finally realizing what is being asked of him, instantly denies it. "I'm not a burglar. I've never stolen a thing in my life!"

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