That revelation shocked me. I wonder what else I would have found about being a Beta that I didn't like. Sure being a Luna wasn't my first choice, but after learning about it these last few years I'm not upset about it anymore.

All the Betas had been selected. A girl named Christy was the last pick. She was a tiny girl and I felt bad for her. She seemed to be ok with it, but I still hated the idea of being last. Everyone in a pack is important. No member should feel lower than the rest.

The Alpha's turned to the group of Luna's and started to size us up. I felt like I was being watched. I looked up to find Alex looking at me already. He smirked at me like he had a secret. I glared back and he chuckled. Beside me Anna elbowed me.

"Smile. One of them could be our future mate." She whispered. I let out a breath and relaxed my face. That was the best they would get from me. I'm not smiling like some doe-eyed school girl at these Neanderthals.

"Now for the Luna selection," Coach Bill said as he pulled out his clip board.

Names were called out and I was waiting to hear my name.

"Claire Stone and Pete Connors." A boy stepped forward and looked over at our group. Anna pushed me towards Pete and my feet started to move. He smiled a boyish grin at me. I smiled back appreciating his welcoming gesture.

He didn't seem like a typical alpha. His face was clean shaven and looked young. Coach continued calling all the names and pairing us off.

"Ok! Go get to know your pack." Coach boomed across the field. We walked over to an empty area and started to get to know each other. Pete watched me with a smile.

"Relax, haven't you ever been on a blind date before?" Pete chuckled at his joke. I gave him a small smile.

"This is my first one ever. Do you go on a lot of blind dates?" I ask him with a curious look. I have no idea what the Alphas do for those first 3 years at Wolf U. I assume that they are men and probably date around.

"Nope, this is also my first." He says with a shrug.

"Do Alphas date at Wolf U?" I ask and then freeze. I didn't mean to sound so forward.

"It depends on the Alpha." Pete is looking around uncomfortably. I follow his eyes to a strange looking guy. He is yelling at the beta close to him. I can't hear what he's upset about, but the beta looks nervous.

"Who is that?" I ask Pete.

"Dean Maverick, You should stay away from him. He's bad news." Pete looks back at me. "I mean if you imprint on him then great!"

"Thanks for the warning," I sigh and then turn back to our new pack. Pete is introducing himself excitedly, but I zone out as I look across the field. Alex is rolling his eyes at whatever Maggie is saying. How rude. I know she can be a little particular about things, but she's a well respected Luna in all of her classes.

He would be lucky to imprint on such a strong Luna. I cross my arms and glare. Alex turns and looks at me right then. He gives me a smirk and waves. I turn away from him pretending I don't notice.

Coach Bill blows his whistle at the end of class.

"I hope you all took time to get to know your Pack members. Your teamwork will be put to the test the rest of the week."

He was not kidding!

On Tuesday, class began with stretching and strategy. We were going to play a game of football. Coach had 2 games going at once to give Alphas a chance to play every team by the end of the week.

Pete surprised me by how well he listened to the Betas and gave everyone a position that fit their skills. He asked me if I wanted to play offense or defense. I told him defense because I enjoy stopping the other team.

Of course, my luck is terrible and we have to play Alex's pack first. Both Alphas chose to be the quarterbacks. Shocker! Insert dramatic eye roll. Maggie is sitting on the bench looking annoyed. I'm up cheering on my team as they hike the ball. Pete throws the ball long and one of the betas grabs it in the air.

They start the next play. Pete throws again, but the defense intercepts it. I walk out to the field, but Maggie doesn't move. Alex is asking her to play, but she just shakes her head no. He turns and runs onto the field clearly annoyed.

He looks at me across the field and smiles. I ignore him and concentrate on the game.

Halfway through the game our teams are tied. The boy Alex chose first is hiking the ball. I run at Alex trying my best to take him down. He was not expecting me to come up so quickly and we both fell over. He wraps his arms around me as we tumble back.

He lands just right for me to have a cushioned fall.

"Are you ok?" Alex asks as I take in a deep breath.

"Yes, I wasn't expecting you to go down so easily." I smirk at him.

"I must have been distracted." He tries to find an excuse.

"Sure..." I trail off realizing his hands are on my hips and we are very close. His hands grip a little tighter and I feel comfortable in his arms. My hands are on his chest and we are looking at each other. I haven't noticed the gold flecks in his eyes until now.

"Are you good?" Pete is reaching down to help us up. We shake our heads and come out of the trance at the same time.

"Yea, all good." I say dusting myself off.

Alex is silently watching me. Pete starts clapping his hands. "That was a great tackle!" The whole team is clapping now. I smile as we all set up for the next play. The game continues and by the end Alex's pack wins by 2 goals.

The rest of the week continues with pack competition and getting to know our pack. Pete will make a great Alpha and I'm so glad I spent the first week with him. He has restored my hope in Alphas everywhere.

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