"What? Have you asked Sehun directly?" Chanyeol becomes surprised.

Yes...You wanted authentic information, didn't you? How could it be authentic without Sehun's approval?" 

"Who's that the lover? Did you ask the name? What does that lover do?"

"Something like double B…BB… Byun Bee-Kyung or Beekyoon type… Have to stalk on SNS to find details…," Kai says while trying to remember.

"How long are they engaged in a relationship?" Chanyeol asks hurriedly.

"Not so long… But they will get engaged sooner,as Sehun thinks none can be better than that double B."

"Okay… I will text you on SNS , reply after your return to home…."


 Chanyeol stalks the ID of Baekhyun Byun on SNS who is in a friendship with Oh Sehun. Sehun doesn't even react in their post,but now he is reacting to every post of this person, even sometimes leaving comments of appreciation in Baekhyun's post. And all Baekhyun's updates are just simple selfies and food. What a narcissistic person he is! He doesn't even look classy….


The day Luhan got aware of Sehun meeting someone, nothing happened. Mrs Park and Chanyeol thought he had overcome the news. It's not going to affect much. What had happened that had happened for better. Everything was pleasant until Sehun started to update some mysterious post on SNS about his feelings. Luhan was a bit disheartened to see this,but still he tried to overcome it.

The day Sehun came to the Park mansion before leaving for London for 2 weeks, even then everything was pleasant. Luhan laughingly received Sehun's gift and was laughing while just talking about simple topics. In a funny way asked Sehun about when he was going to mingle as his recent SNS posts were indicating something. Sehun replied in a shy, serious voice that soon.

Before every storm, the environment gets unexpectedly calmer than usual ….

When Sehun left, then the storm started. Luhan started to break everything that came in front of him until reaching his own room. He confined himself to room and didn't open the door even though his whole family members begged him to open the door. He begged the night to cry and console himself. The next three days,he doesn't go to university and refuses to attend important exams.

The day Sehun leaves for London in the morning, Chanyeol receives a call in the office that Luhan has tried to kill himself inhaling toxic fumes…


"Oh God! Are you becoming mad? When have you become this much selfish? Can't you think about ours a bit before doing this?" Chanyeol says in teary voice, holding weak hand of Luhan.

"I can't bear this betrayal, hyung. What's wrong with me? He has always been caring to me. He can't be this much changed. He always asked how I was doing. I always brought gifts that I liked. He cared about my result. He loved me, I know. I am not dumb to understand what love is…," Luhan says while crying.

Chanyeol can understand that it was one sided love from Luhan. He stays silent.

"Are you not believing what I am saying, hyung?" Luhan says in an angry voice.

"No…  You can't be wrong. I believe you," Chanyeol says in a hurried voice.

" How has he changed so much?  I can't ever be happy without him. I have lost all of the reasons,as he is going to leave me for someone else. What I don't have,that person has, hyung? Am I ugly? Am I dumb? Am I poor?"

"No … You are the prettiest and most lovable person in the world…."

"Then why can't I have him?... Why?"

"Luhan, trust your brother. I promise Sehun will be yours."


"Mom, I want to Marry Byun Baekhyun from Byun family…," Chanyeol says to his mother while thinking about it for almost three days.

"Who? Chanyeol,this is not time for this kind of festival. Just give us some time to stable Luhan. Then we will communicate with the family of the person you have mentioned," Mrs Park says in gloomy voice.

"This is for the better of this family. This is for Luhan to being stable. Trust me everything will be okay with this marriage," Chanyeol says in firm voice.

"Why you are suddenly in a hurry for marriage? You said that you want to be free for some more time," Mrs Park asks being bit confused.

" People change in need of time."

"Okay,we will talk with your choice's family…"

"No delay… Just talk right now…"

"Have you met the person yet? Are you dating?"

"No… But I just want to marry him right now. Just bring the person,I want to sign the papers of marriage and make him mine right now."

"Listen, marriage is not a matter of hurry."

"Mom, within one week or never. If you refuse,I will also try to kill myself like Luhan. And you know better that Park Chanyeol never fails in what he promises to do."


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