Chapter 14 -

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Seek POV:

If halt won't realise it's Anne making trouble, I'll make him . I would look for halt, then I see him.
" Halt! Hey, I have a question. "
" Yes, seek? "
" Before. Many humans were escaping, right? "
" Yes. I'm not sure why but when I do my duty with Anne, it's like someone be guides the human without me knowing..maybe it's guiding light. " Seriously? It's like he doesn't want to admit it was Anne!

" Well, don't you think many weird and bad things have been happening? Like this, or when books suddenly fell down in the library? Ever since Anne came! "

" Well, i didn't pay much attention really.. "

" Oh..well, okay. Just asking. " I'd walk away.

I must get to the library and tell figure!

" Alright! "

I got to door 50 then I see figure. " Hi figure!"

" Seek! "

" Uh, sorry if this is sudden but I really need help. "

" Of course, help in what? "

" Well..halt just doesn't seem to realise Anne's true personality..and I need help.. "

" Well I'm not too sure...I also wish that they could realise this aswell.. "

" Oh well, it's fine! I'll just find some way. I'll talk to you later. "

" Alright, but don't pressure yourself too much. "

" I'll try! " I leave the door. Maybe glitch, or, shadow have something?
I walk a bit further opening more doors. I see them both..but screech and ambush are here too..talking with Anne? They seem to be having fun...

" Hey..what are you guys doing? " I ask them

" Oh, we were just talking with Anne. She's cool. But you intturupted us." glitch responded. What? Are they serious?

" Yeah, it turns out she is pretty nice. " Shadow said.

" Ahem, you people may leave. I'll catch up to you, I just need to have a friend to friend talk with seek. "

" But- " screech got cut off.

" No need, I'll catch up. " Everyone else leaves, leaving me and Anne in the hall.

" So, seek. "

" ... "

" Don't wanna talk? Well I'll just get straight to the point. I know what your planning here. Not exactly, but I know you have suspicions of me. And I just want you to know, your correct. But tell ANYONE I'll make your life a living hell. I know you could just kill me. But you will be hated. So think about it.I already stole your friends. They hate you now " Anne left the room.

I can't believe it..they..they betrayed, no no not alone right? This can't be happening! What if hide or figure secretly hate me too?...n-no...I don't want this! All because of some human! Everything she said was right..I can't just kill her..

I run the opposite way. Realising there's no use, I make an ink puddle and go inside. It would lead to my room. I'd get in. But then see something on the drawer next to my bed. A knife?...with a note..

'try it.'

Huh? Try it? How do i try a knife..wait. is this note telling me to use it, on me?.. whoever wrote, I'll have to think about it. I put the knife in the drawer and throw the note in the bin. I don't think I need it now..right now, I need rest. I'd lay down on my bed. And soon enough, I fall asleep.

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