Chapter 12- The Plan.

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Seek POV:

Many humans have came today, I'm sure these are the last ones.
Then they came. This time is was a girl and a boy. They seemed to be in a relationship, I'm not sure why but it seems like it. I emerge from the ground. And start chasing them. Now that I've got the hang of this it's easy sailing. Usually they don't escape me. During the chase, they used vitamins which made me behind. But from far away, I see the girl trips and falls over. She struggles to get help..

" Tyler! Tyler please help me! "


The girl tried but she got up

They started to run, then there were two doors. They both went to the correct side but the boy didn't seem to like the girl because he pushed her into my toxic ink could he do that? They were supposed to work together..whatever, now I need to kill this man.

I remember I also got vitamins from before so I took one. I gain more speed, and eventually, I kill him

" HEY, THAT'S NO FA- " His body falls to the ground. Nobody usually decides  to take the players items, but I always find something on them. Sometimes keys, knobs, money, crucifix...but this time I saw, a phone? It's been a long time since I seen these things. Considering we don't have those in it hotel. I pick it up. Oh look, more vitamins..I'd take those too.

I would realize something..this is the perfect thing to expose Anne! If we could catch her doing something bad, we could record her and get the proof! This is perfect.

I'd run out of my domain, yelling, " guys! I got the last ones! "

" Oh that's great! FINALLY, they were so annoying! " Rush came

" But you always say they're annoying-"

" SHUT UP, AMBUSH. " poor ambush..

" Now that's not nice rush. "

" Sorry- it's just that he's annoying. "

" HEY! "

" Anyway ambush, let's go. " It seemed he'd understands I want him in the library. So he follows.

" Where are y'all going? " Rush asks us

" Uh..nowhere " we both go quickly.

" Let's call for screech, shadow and glitch! I thought of a plan. "

" That's great seek!"

" Ah, the door is locked. Let me just find the key. "
I open a drawer, and I got the key. I decided to open another but then I see Timothy inside. Wait, was he on our side?

" Hey Timothy! Turns out Anne stepped on you. She is a bad person. Join us. " All very straightforward

" What!? No way! I never wanna see her again." I then close the drawer. Yes! He's with us.

I open the lock and out we go. Thank goodness, screech glitch,shadow and hide were all at one place. " Ah, seek we were waiting for you! " Glitch said

" Bro, you're here too? "

" Yup. "

" Shall we go? " Shadow asked.

" Yup! I got a plan!"

We all reach the library and we open the door. " Figure! "

" Seek!" We hug each other. I always love the warmth of his heart..

~*°Never Trust A Human*°~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя